
I didn’t see Jesus mentioned once-not from Oklahoma.

run on much?

The move to different divisions should cut down on the murders in the parking lot.

That’s a rendering from a video game, right?

Stop calling these teams ‘Oakland’s team’ and so forth. Outside of maybe Green Bay all of these teams are owned by men/women who increasingly could care less about you and where the team sits. These are billionaire’s teams and people need to understand this.

Can we skip ahead and sell the Olympics to Nike? Just get it over with?

But did he tell anyone to deflate a football?


I’m no legal expert or an attorney so could someone tell me how pool covers are tagged by an expert as related to the scandal?

you meant hot garbage.

what is happening to this website?

Actually what word was misspelt? From what I can tell you are missing two verbs, one in each sentence. Perhaps not checking The Google for your comment is really ‘perfect’ for this site.

I saw the word capsule listed on the site for the this just another Keurig-like machine (I find a Keurig wasteful) that I will throw away a single serving plastic item away or am I thinking too hard?

I saw the word capsule listed on the site for the this just another Keurig-like machine (I find a

Nailed it!

I don’t know...Black Aces screams “Black Faces”

Whoa, whoa, whoa....this guy smoked dope in college so he has character issues, can’t trust anything he says for the rest of his life and the rest of his families lives for generations.

Bohdi would disagree.


This has the appearance of those pictures that people post of them with their recently deceased relatives. Caption it or something. Uh is right.