
Not really considering the incredibly unequal distribution of resources. The worst lie about public education in the US is that everywhere is getting by with what little they are given, when in reality some areas have more than adequate funding while others are left impoverished. There is a wholesale attack on public

I just read a piece in the NYRB about a new biography of Nixon that illustrates how he sabotaged nascent peace talks in Vietnam in 1968, because he was afraid a peace accord would make Hubert Humphrey look good. He sent an emissary to the ambassador and told him to hold off and wait for a Nixon presidency, because

Um, does anyone care about historical facts? Anyone at all?

I can and WILL say that Bush contributed heavily to the rise of ISIS

Couldn’t you then say, by this absolutely ridiculous logic, that George W. Bush was directly responsible for the shooting because he invaded Iraq, which caused Obama to inherit troops there that he needed to pull out?

Our education system does suck.... on this side of the tracks. Over on the other side it’s litterally one of the best in the world. Average those together and we’re doing alright!

I have friend from a place I used to work- she was always fun and interesting to talk to and seemed very intelligent. BUT turns out that she is not only extremely anti-vax, but BIG into conspiracies, and now all of a sudden spouting how ‘it’s the end of days and the seventh seal has been broken’ .... OH! and she’s

I have a former teacher who is strongly anti-vaxx and it’s very illuminating seeing what she likes and the kind of unhinged comments she posts on articles. She recently got in a fight with another former student who is a PharmD, told him he was wrong about vaccines not causing autism, called him a sheep, and said she

Unfollow is my most frequently visited friend on FB.

I didn’t quite grasp the levels of disturbing but hilarious but mostly disturbing levels of anti-vax insanity until I was on the receiving end of it after writing a couple of articles on vaccines for work that subsequently were shared a bunch of times on FB. Holy shit, dudes. You’ll be called every nasty name in the

Honestly, can we just shut down facebook for the greater good of the world?