
“But if someone were to come up to me and ask me something about the Black Lives Matter movement, or however they would choose to talk about it, my response would be something along the lines of “Well I hope something positive comes out of it but personally I find the statement itself to be a little off putting

What exactly is racist? Is it impossible for you to acknowledge that there is institutional racism which has led to inconsistent application of law enforcement? No one is saying all cops are racist. In fact I think the vast majority of law enforcement are exactly what people would call “model” citizens. But you seem

No problem saying it. But its often said as an angry retort to #BLM. And in this instant case, it was said after the person crossed out #BLM. Why silence speech to make the point? Yes, all lives matter- but how many times did people, or you, say it before the #BLM movement?

I don’t understand why SOME non-blacks get so angry when they see #blacklivesmatter. It doesn’t mean other lives don’t. It doesn’t minimize anyone else’s own personal struggle. It doesn’t mean everyone is racist. But we live in a binary society. Someone sees #blm and they assume they are being called a racist. Someone

They are clearly asking for something that doesn’t yet exist. That’s exactly what the blog post says. At first the FBI says its for this limited case. This morning the DOJ confirmed they want apple to do the same thing for 12 more phones. The NYPD also confirmed they will use the ability to compel tech firms in the