Pancakes to Celebrate

Yeah but currently (!) that is millenials. It may work for every generation but the cultural conversation signifiers are current so it's millenials. It wasn't 10 years ago and won't be 10 years in the future, but for now…

2016: the chewing gum election (very rigly).

Kiss Demon
Giant Gonzalez (the hair suit)


Do you watch the show at 1/3 speed?

A weird look and some heart in professional wrestling can get you to unexpected places with out of character after booking. Good for Ellsworth. Clap. Clap. Clap clap clap.

Good god the roaring. So much roaring.

Put a pussy bow on it, Melania.


The speech in two cathedrals is the best thing ever. "What, is that supposed to be funny? … what was josh lymon a warning shot? That was my son. What did I ever do to yours other than praise his name?"

I'm way late to the party, but when I saw F votes for the review, I knew the depths of people's denial.

If he didn't sing live, then he had telekinesis for his carotid arteries, which seems likely less likely.

L liked Jacob a lot, but it ran its course.

Considering how great the three interactions you mention are…why does Che not do more? I love his interactions. They aren't as arch but seem more genuine than jost

Nobody gives a shit if you go away. Fucking survivor?!? Jesus.

He's always been fantastic at crafting a character and this is an excellent "age gracefully" character with a lot of specificity to it from catchphrases to scarves.

"But he still likes weed, right?"

Because it's 20 minutes of well done promos. Have you ever watched it jackass?

Agreed. I'll take a mark town any day over a crowd that wants to take over the show.