Pancakes to Celebrate

It also helps make the ppvs special (important since they are every two weeks) since it is the only time you see everyone in a meaningful match of the writers properly build feuds.

Good luck with that. The singles scene is way too thin in nxt right now to bring anyone up for a while, particularly an older guy with much less international buzz than nakamura.

Oh Cleveland. You have fans booing a ppv match and getting more into the "what?" Shit than any crowd in a long time. You've got LeBron back, you're supposed to be better than this now.

The WWE interest is just a rumor.

No one other than roode is ready to main event. No way this happens for both of them in the next 6 months.

I get it, but it's not his fault that the booking is bad. He put on great match after great match on ppv all through 2015. I wish he had more character and personality, but it's tiresome because everyone is aware of Internet consensus. But he is actually good at what he does.

He's literally not allowed to take any physical contact of any kind by the wwe docs. With the concussion lawsuit, this is not going to change. You won't even see someone touch his hair on tv.

I could see Joe being in NXT easily through WM. They are low on talent at the moment, Joe is older, and he's not as exciting a signing as Finn, aj, or nakamura. I doubt wwe has huge plans for Joe on the main roster. Not that he'll never make it, but he's in a much different category.

I agree with you. They haven't really done anything in 2016. They are must watch in the ring at the moment, which I think is what people are reacting to. The heel turn really rejuvenated literally everything about them.

Whew. I thought we might actually get a comment section not busting on reigns for no reason. Crisis averted.

Agreed. Plus, they have the single worst talker in wwe on the roster, so you can always say it could be worse. I know stu hart didn't teach promo classes and Bret wasn't exactly known as a master talker but Jesus is Natalya bad on the mic.

We're not even halfway to WM. Slow your roll.

There is no chance in the world that wwe puts Bryan in a ring with the concussion lawsuit pending. No chance.

On the other hand, the smaller roster lets them give some guys who have fallen by the wayside some development. Hell, prior to the draft no one would have believed rhyno and the one man band would be some of the best things going.

Yeah. Them burying AJ at the biggest show of the year would have been ridiculous. Particularly since ryback sucks.

I didn't watch wwe when Hawkins had his first go round, but the selling of his gimmick seems like it's a decade out of date.

That's a good point. And to Vince, I'm sure a lisp and a Spanish accent are considered equally troubling for promos.

Alright penis nose. I'll play your game….for now….😠

"The kids show I love is not covered!!!!" Yeesh.