
Oh goody. Just what they needed.

I’m like 99% certain there already an in-built peaceful res to the Skinny Malone thing. I distinctly remember talking the girl into going home then talking Skinny into letting us go. He gave me to the count of 10 to ‘Get out of here’. Of course then Piper got stuck on a f@&kin’ rail and I ended up shooting it out

Every time I see this I imagine the camera persons reaction is something like “Oh...” right before they died from a 2x4 through the chest.

Or Airbear

Love the old Hind-As (and the new ones). Can really see how they got the nickname Krokodil.

It’s one of the better big titles of the year.

Didn’t know that about the A-5. Had to look it up. Interesting plane.

I gotta go with Star Wars Galaxies before they screwed it all to hell. Still one of my best gaming experiences overall 10+ years on.

According to this thread at (which doesn’t seem to cite a primary source) it can take a while to mount/unmount.

A very nicely done Ippon Seoi Nage . And I’ve seen other NPC’s do it too. Apparently at least one judo school survived the apocalypse - at least there’s a bright side.

I thought I read somewhere that it blocks some potentially important access panels, but that may just be my imagination.

I was in a similar situation to you. I had played fo3 and NV, and enjoyed them but didn’t really love them. I felt fallout 4 would turn out to be a bit of a disappointment because of all the hype it was getting, but bought it anyway because it was a Bethesda game. I freaking love it. 100+ hours so far — I spend almost

Just reread this with after the Turkey shoot(down). Didn’t notice the rubber band holding the GPS onto the mount. GG

About 2 miles, but it looks like the fencer may have made more than one loop

I’d be very concerned about armed Fencers over central Florida. I’d be a hell of a trip for them to get here.

Same here. Could just be mostly nostalgia but it works for me.

I have no issues with KB+M with the interface. It was a little difficult at first, but after an hour or so it’s pretty easy to cruise around it.