
This reminds me of when Harry Knowles was accused of sexual assault earlier this year, and everyone started linking to his notoriously disgusting reviews (Blade Trinity, Heroes) written years ago, but now finally causing widespread outrage and disgust. There is a whole generation of media consumers who cropped up

Lying Cat - the Greek Chorus of our age.

I feel like you don’t live in SoCal. I leave my house for work at 7:15am almost everyday to be at work at 8am. Some days Ill get there by 7:45, other days ill get there at 8:15. Its pretty fucking stressful not knowing if that street that you took yesterday, the one that was wide open, is going to be backed up for 3

Oryx and Crake is so amazing. It’s a dystopia not unlike the Handmaids Tale, but focused on environmentalism. She does such a great job tying environmental degradation to gender violence and social inequality.

10/10 would preorder the shit out of that book. And BTW, am I the only one that loves a prominent nose on a man? That beak is so hot.

“Sloppy period sex”? You mean, sex? Asshole.

Right before I turned 21 I moved to a new city, transferred colleges, and got an apartment by myself. I picked a place out on the third story of a rambling old Victorian mansion - a modest studio with white metal cabinets from the 1950's and a rusted fire escape which always gave me bad feelings. It was metal, and

Angela, I think I got grayed for this, but look up the history of dreads. I think this is more to ado about nothing than that. Deards aren’t just an African thing or even mainly an African thing. It has a long history. So, yeah, for Lin this doesn’t seem particularly egregious if egregious at all. Now, the

That must have caused quite a chakra.

Pray, tell us what our educated workforce needs? Not only is your statement elitist (but I am sure that you know that) but it shows a very short-term utilitarian approach to education.

I do wish most of this was true, but no. Faculty senates do have powerful voices, and they can make policy, but primarily in program/curriculum matters, and rarely in budget matters (this may be a bit different at private institutions, where boards instead of legislatures hold more of the purse strings, but not by

Agreed. I have a PhD and am looking for a tenure track faculty position. I have worked for for profit education companies during the short time I’ve been graduated, which pays more than being an adjunct. About half of my friends from graduate school do have tenure track jobs. And you know what? They honestly are not

Bless you for recognizing Posh as the comedic icon she is.

For some reason everyone’s celebrating the 16th anniversary of the movie Josie and the Pussycats was an ‘emotional support’ dog & a just regular pet. An emotional support dog is not a service dog.

Would you say it was a breakaway pop hit or more of a book number?

Rock Springs, actually. I've been to Casper and Laramie, though, and they have a very similar feel to them. A lot of towns in Wyoming do. It makes you wonder about the Native Americans that avoided those places because they were "bad places". Maybe they knew something the white folk didn't.