
They ALREADY ignore you, you mook. They already don’t give two shits what Mr. Exit-out-the-back-of-the-plane says.

Hows that using China to keep an eye on North Korea going? I mean it’s not like they’ve made nukes and are constantly developing their missile system.

Obama must really suck at chess then, as his policy has allowed China to literally militarize the South China sea, building up fortified islands packed with aircraft, warships and missiles, as well as ignore international laws and decisions from international courts with impunity.

Yes, I’m sure that for his millions of fans in places like Africa and Pakistan the most important decision is whether to buy an electric car.

You are an idiot, or someone who has never heard of Jeremy Clarkson.

lets go into the Hypertonic mind chamber!

Man, that poop story. Like a literal poop Chernobyl, exclusion zone and everything.

Someone call Jenson. NOW!

Lets be honest here, the only one Nico beat for this championship was his teammate’s engine so he probably decided to quite while he was ahead.

I just want to interrupt the usual internet fight to say these were some bad ass women right there.

Dream job right there.

Ever heard of Qiaodan?

This isn’t commentary. They are pushing their brand. this is also not using a portion of a work for review or educational purpose. This is appropriating the whole work, and even altering it without permission. It would also be funny to know if they have permission to use the ghostbusters logo from Sony of whatever the

in the current job market? Haha. That’s a good one.

You realize that antagonizing people for being a different race (white) just put Trump in the white House, right? Have fun with that.

It’s not, sorry. Frankly, it’s kinda misogynistic on your part always trying to see women as victims.

But what if I own a cotton company and need some kind of cotton picking supervisor? Should I not hire black people? Wouldn’t that be racist, too?

They can spin all they want. Bottom line is they used the image for a commercial purpose which is exactly the opposite of the definition of fair use. I can guess what really happened.

Mattis would eat Pence alive for breakfast so it’s all good. He’s the guy America needs.

the people of Vietnam disagree.