
Great point Courtney. The BC doesn't want to address this great wealth exodus via black men with money (don't want to call them successful because they have one element of it) marrying out and degrading black women.

With the way they ended the show it will be forgotten…yet they had a chance to survive several seasons with their 2 leads NB & TM chemistry.

Probably someone from the show writing that nonsense….

Yes….they are doing this now with Candice Patton & Grant Gustin on The Flash. The racists in the fandom are calling for non-canon pairings just to get him away from "undeserving Iris" who happens to be black on the show. Shame on people….

This show has left such a stench in fandom that it will be remembered in all of tv history!! No other "witness" will replace Leftenant Mills.So disingenuous that she is his everything and not even a darn kiss just another frat fist bump?? Where did they get these idiots?? I've seen better writing on reality shows.

Hmmm—brothas don't have a problem with light skinned women but with light skinned men….They have done a good job of erasing the color out of the African American gene pool and now are snarking.