Pam Poovey's Bear Claw (forever gray)

I received a wine calendar for Christmas (clearly family is onto my hobby) and there was a recent entry about Lambrusco. I’ve always liked ones I’ve tried, but for some reason I recall the ones I’ve tried being slightly sweet. Am I crazy or am I picking crappy Lambruscos? Or both?

I was at that game and I want it back!!

Hallmark Channel took Last Man Standing out of its lineup of reruns and if its Crapbook comments are any indication, some people (right-wingers) are pissed.

That is one smart puppy! Weims are the best.

I missed the first episode, so as of now I think I can pick maybe five of the girls out of a lineup. The rest are all an amorphous blob named Lauren. I’m sure I will probably figure things out after another few episodes. :)

YES. Damn you West Coast people. I am tired of being tired after staying up to watch Sunday/Monday/Thursday Night Football.

I sorta hate myself for knowing this, but in the last paragraph, the contestant’s name is Jenny, not Jenna. Jenna is still on.

I frolicked amongst the ungrayed in I Thee Dread! But that was it. I am not Kinja cool enough elsewhere, I guess.

Now playing

Thanks, now I have Songbird stuck in my head!

Ditto. Le sigh.

Patriots fan living near Philly here (ducks). I’ve traveled to see the Pats a few times in both Boston/Foxboro and North Jersey. We drove to Boston, stayed at a B&B in town (Back Bay, I think?), then took the train to Foxboro. Could not believe how in the middle of nowhere that stadium is, especially compared to, say,

Nah, they are crap. I say this because 1) could they be any more whitewashed? and 2) Hallmark takes the rest of their programming away for 60+ days in order to shove non-stop 24/7 Christmas down our throats. Some of us escape by falling asleep with The Golden Girls on weekends and thank goodness I can start doing that

I drive 5-10 mph over the speed limit on SINGLE LANE IN EACH DIRECTION ROADS, keeping up with the flow of traffic, and I still get tailgated regularly on said roads. Please explain how this is the fault of my own driving habits and not self-absorbed @$$holes who do not care about the safety of others, only on their

Agreed. Must be on the same label as Rita Ora.

Every time I hear or read about the Chainsmokers I feel sick. What kind of band name is that?

Exactly. If I’m on the highway in the left lane, it’s because I am trying to get around someone. I’ll get out as soon as I can safely maneuver to the other lane and not a second before. Most of those people don’t have an answer for the f*ckfaces who tailgate when there are no other lanes to get into...

I’ve started doing that recently. It gives me some sense of control back. :)

I like to think there is a very special place in hell (full of spikes, Nickelback and stinkbugs) for people who tailgate in bad weather.

I’d argue tailgating is actually the universal sign for “I think I am more important than you and I don’t care if I rear end you.”