
It’s funny because I hope he fucking dies.

Two: Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds.

I burned my trial on Picard. I have . . . regrets. 

I can’t keep track. Do we actually believe AVClub reviews anymore? Is this movie actually good? Does any staff here actually get what the community enjoyed anymore?

Now playing

The big question is what they’ll do for the season 2 opening credits. Same song? Same dance with new characters? Or will they come up with something else just as mind blowing? Will Eagly find his mark right away?

I love Peacemaker so much, I don’t care how many John Cenas, James Gunns, or butterflies I have to kill to get it.

I think that’s because J.J. Abrams, who took over again after, also had no idea what happens next because he’s kind of a hack and only knows how to ape what came before without really adding anything innovative.

There was a point in final act of the Last Jedi where I realized that I had no idea what was going to happen next. That’s a feeling I had never felt before with Star Wars, and I haven’t felt it since. Just because of that, TLJ was my favorite SW media since ESB.

I can only assume comments on AVClub will be going the way of comments on Deadspin.

Cool story, but how about reporting on G/O Management squeezing out seven of your staff?

Him and me both.

Of course James Bond should be a man. That’s the character as intended. Making Bond a woman accomplishes nothing. It’s fake corporate gesturing to try to appease to the crowd that gets loud about wokeness thinking they’ll be satisfied. Make new roles for women. That’s progress. Put women behind the camera. In the

The Star Trek franchise can never let go of The Wrath of Khan. Never.

WTF is Starz lol

I’m generally disinclined to get into it with people who talk about how critics need to be “objective” and refer to movies as “content,” but I do like talking about myself so I’m going to humor you, User Named Mark.

I don’t understand why people hate The Architect’s speech so much. It’s one of the more intriguing bits from the sequels. I guess it’s because no one gets kicked or punched or short for a good 5 minutes.

Messing with the timeline isn’t Q’s true goal. He did it to test Picard and his crew. Nobody really knows why the Q Continuum does this, but it has been part of the canon since TNG.

i’m gonna throw in a dark horse ‘best line’ and say it’s in iron man 3:

Man, am I the only one who still thinks The Dark Knight is an all-time great? Well, I’ll carry this burden. 2008 was a weird moment overall for superhero movies—even at the time, without the benefit of hindsight, you could feel things changing.