
I feel my joking off the late-90s steroid era in baseball may have been too oblique here.

In my day, you only got to stream stuff once, at a particular time of day, and with commercials, censorship, and in pan&scan!


A National Treasure!

“Cat Dennis Quaid adopts human with same name”

After what that cat did to all the others? No thank you, sir.

Every time I see that written I throw up a little in my mouth.  Whoever said that clearly does not understand the the thematic elements of either Star Trek or Rick and Morty or understand how those two very different shows with very different world views are completely incompatible.  

This is one of the greatest casts ever assembled and I wanted this movie to be great but it was just average.  It just feels like such a waste like if the Dream Team in 92 won close games in OT.

I really wanted to like this film, and I have love for many DTV films (including those by this director -Jesse V. Johnson) — with cheesy, bad, or poorly executed elements. But Triple Threat wastes great action talents and production resources on a mediocre effort. It features some of the best, most charismatic

Michael Jai White didn’t even rate a mention? That’s cold, man.

I’m stupid and don’t think people will make fun of me for thinking something was bad after ADMITTING I didn’t get it. I’m also just extremely unfamiliar with theater in general, so I use ‘community theater’ as a synonym for ‘bad’ because I’ve never experienced actual community theater before but I know that’s a lazy

“Rap.” Lol. So much racism condensed into so small a sentence.

drives it into the ground until it’s no longer funny.

It is impossible to parody these people & probably a mistake to try

Nobody cares.

They’ll forget. It’ll be easy to think Trump is an anomaly because he’s such a disaster of a human on every level. Future would-be trumps would just go “yeah, I’m not that fucked up, he did it to himself, won’t happen like that to me.”

Ok gosh I’m kneeling already!

This idea that men of a certain age suddenly become obsessed with World War 2 is as mistaken as Nagumo’s decision to re-arm his planes with high explosives for a second strike at Midway.

To the troll in the greys dealing in false binaries about fixing the healthcare system, and other whataboutisms: We get it—you don’t like black people. Spare us your hacky, bush league attempts to derail the discussion, and go back to stormfront.

For me this may well be Pixar’s most underrated film. While Bug’s Life is better than it’s given credit for, Ratatouille is a legitimate masterpiece and one of my best theater-going experiences.