Emperor Palpatine

It’s seen as a bastion of democracy and capitalism in an area of the world ruled by kings (Propped up by the US Government) who determine how money is spent.

I can’t wait for the 4Q Ford sales reports when they state- Sales of the Bronco were not as robust as initially planned. Consumers with initial deposits did not follow through on their commitment to purchase the vehicle in XX% of sales- most likely due to a worsening economy and the lingering effects of COVID related

I think I may have given away too much info in username.

OK, I’ll break it down for you.

Its ironic that it was Dealerships getting in the way GM going electric initially, then with plug-in/hybrids, and now again- the same issue. Some people never learn.

They had to pass a law to not charge 13 year old black kids as adults- Why did you think they did this?

She must be white. (not allowing a 15 year old be tried in Adult court.)

You do realize that most of the spreading is due to unvaccinated people.

I wonder how many jobs like this would be filled if we had Universal Healthcare.

So the free market and capitalism mean nothing anymore.

Only if they are brown.

This problem was solved years ago- create a filter/mute button and if >25% (or whatever #) of the people in the room hit the filter button for that person- then kick out/ban that user.

Its amazing that an old beat-up truck hasn’t crashed into that thing- accidentally- and toppled it.

Not saying I know the guy- but maybe check the cop’s DNA against rapes and missing persons cases.   This reeks of an attempted kidnapping.

Just put up the damn “Whites Only” sign and be done with it.


“The new Corolla SUV is a very slow car...”

There’s a sucker born every minute.

Tires were obviously over-inflated.

An electric, 90's Subaru Legacy looking, sedan for $50k- with Volvo reliability- and less than 300 mile range.