This will not end well...

Dang it, do I have to sell my virginity... again?!

There’s an extrusion point on the glass/plastic- that’s typically on the bottom of the headlight, not on top (or else it would be too obvious to buyers).

Is it too much to ask them to glue the pieces together and take shots from different angles?

The parking lines have been photoshopped in after the car was parked.

2003 4Runner had 120k miles, 5 years old.

As a whistleblower, this guy could be looking at a windfall of the $18 Billion dollars. Whistleblowers get some percentage of the recovery.

I’m thinking there’s gotta be enough parts to put together a franken-car... Its all about your ugliness threshold.

In the eighth grade, running for student council president, I promised to put a candy and soda machine in the cafeteria (this was 25 years ago).

CHOICE # 3: Just lease the car and don’t give a f*@%.

I have no problem practicing my religion. Its other people practicing my religion that screw it up.

While the Palestinians would still be suffering from Occupation.

Well luckily, the state of Israel hasn’t retaliated or killed a single person, or else, maybe there would be conflict or something.

This one’s too easy.

This has nothing to do with science but everything to do with business.

Lux V6 CT6 $62k MSRP, figure 60% residual over 3 years (best guess- prob too high)- so 25K depreciation. 2% interest (MF) or thereabouts.

Nah, just their girl parts.

More empty seats at Yankees games. Yay!

Next Putin will be unleashing catapults with flaming bio-hazardous waste.

Is it retractable? Can I use it for parking so the old lady next to me doesn’t slam her door into mine EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Its time for a gofundme page for Snow Tires for the Aston.