
There's... some irony about internet media poking fun at the old fashioned media for being inaccurate.

Endlessly fascinated by this problem (of which I just became aware), I googled it and got this solution for you. It probably won't help, but it sounds vaguely dirty and made me giggle, so it was worth it:

Well, they take on a life of their own when fully loaded.

I really get what you're talking about. When I first started reading about feminist issues, I felt like life finally made sense, but I resisted the label "feminist" in part because I was like, I'm not a feminist, I'm just a decent human being. We shouldn't need a special name for believing that women are people, but

May I present a compilation of the only reactions necessary for this gaslighting POS's bullshit:

I have to agree with you. The way that Islam is consolidated with political and economic power to enable the oppression and predation of women in countries like Egypt is extremely problematic. When Christianity is used to the same end (and it is, albeit on a smaller scale and mediated rather than assisted by

Exactly. And she's 100% right about Zimmerman's supporters, too. People who are always pro law&order are suddenly supporting a defendant for the first time in their lives.

The casual dropping of the word 'racist' is really diluting the meaning. Muslims are a race, now? Can you not criticize a culture? As a leftist, one

The one situation where stepping on a Lego isn't agonizing.

I have seen a few comments from people saying "why would you want your BF to come with you for your IUD insertion/Dr. Appt".

Oh good, I thought I was the only one who nearly passed out when I got my Mirena inserted. Trying to put my pants back on required balance and skills that go out the window after the ungodly pain of an IUD insertion. Fortunately, I'll take fifteen pantsless minutes of a spinning exam room over babies for the next five

When I talk about leaving the "carotids and iliacs long", I'm talking about major vessels supplying the head and legs, respectively. We obviously sever vessels during autopsy, but when the body starts to decompose (slow process at cool temperatures, but it starts immediately), tissues shrink. That's why there's the

He is chlamydia personified.

Would I be ostracized forever from the Jezzie community if I said that I love JM? Would I forever be grayed just as I've started becoming a regular commenter? Because I just can't hold my tongue any longer. I have loved him since I was about 12 and brought a picture of him to science class when we were learning about

Was something unsatisfactory about North and I baby shower???

Hate on Avril all you want,buther last name isn't hard to remember.

Hi Beyonce, how are you? I just want to know is there any reason or dissatisfaction of Kanye and I's birth that both you and Jay-Z gave 3800$ each? In terms of the amount we got from you both was very unexpected as a result we were very much short on paying off the OBGYN because just for the delivery + hospital stay

I give a waffle maker, fancy maple syrup, and a fancy pancake mix that is ground at a water powered mill in Arkansas. If they aren't happy with it they can suck it.

I asked myself both those questions first time I saw an episode! (And I still ask the second part, which is why I just go and claim her as my Spirit Animal.)

Fixed it for you:

a couple of my close guys friends think it's hilarious to joke about my baby having birth defects,