
This includes a not-insignificant percent of Republicans—43 percent, according to the poll—and basically every single Democratic voter.

if Barron is an option, absolutely.

Foreign blood?  Miller would kill himself first!

At some point, I wonder if the Rastafarians will make a renewed push for legitimacy.  If religious freedom means freedom from all consequences of pushing your religious beliefs on others, then maybe some folks can smoke a little weed.

During the 2008 election, I was worked the polls as a volunteer.

She went through a bout of massive depression 15 years ago. Know Ted’s presidential ambitions and the general Republican feeling toward mental illness, I doubt she’s received adequate treatment for it.

You know how people who grew up in the suburbs claim that they grew up in whatever city was nearby, if only to avoid a bunch of explaining?

Based on what Trump did here and the current polling, they have very little incentive to go on with the other debates,

The current theory is that Trump deliberately turned last night into a shitshow (all credit to Dana Bash) in order to turn off potential voters. If the whole thing turns into a grotesque mudwrestling match, the reasoning goes, people might just tune out entirely and give up on voting out our fascist president.

If you ever needed proof that the criminal justice system is broken , just remember that the founder of Project Veritas got a felony charge for trying to wiretap the phone of a sitting United States Senator and wound up walking out with probation.

I was listening to an interview with one of the people involved in debate prep, and it was a deliberate decision to call him Donald.  He apparently hates it, and they knew it would be something that pissed him off without the audience catching wind what the issue was.

Remember when McEnany would just lie and say her boss didn’t say the thing that he clearly said? It’s telling that she’s not even bothering to do that anymore.

Assuming (and praying) that Trump loses on Nov. 3, but he sues and there’s no announced winner by Inauguration Day. We get interim president Pelosi (or whoever the speaker is, goddamn better be a democrat), right?

Yeah, our governor just announced a slew of reopening procedures (restaurants/gyms can go up to 75% capacity!), so we’ll probably take that crown before Monday.

Just remember how FURIOUS Republicans were when Obama, you know, tyrannically decided not to deport a bunch of kids.

If Bloom’s plan even workable? I thought the whole issue with this felon poll tax is that it’s largely incalculable (and don’t forget that Babs Lagoa, Trump’s Latina possible SCOTUS nom, somehow managed to rule against voting rights in that case from two different courts).

Seconded. That was the first thing I stocked up on for work from home, if only because it was a great opportunity to get rid of all the crap pens from the office.

Seconded. That was the first thing I stocked up on for work from home, if only because it was a great opportunity to

It’s nice to have for one-time uses. I got hit hard by Skyrim’s PS3 save issues, and was able to get everything transferred to a PC file with some work. If that hadn’t been possible, I probably would’ve just quit.

Yeah, sorry. Early morning typing.

The problem is that it’s a tough argument to make without seeming bigoted toward her faith. Dem. senators have tried to get more info about these weird little religious groups, and it almost always backfires. Feinstein, in particular, got burned on this during Barrett’s 2017 confirmation.