There’s actually a pretty strong push for 18 year terms - with nine Justices, that’s one new appointment every two years.
There’s actually a pretty strong push for 18 year terms - with nine Justices, that’s one new appointment every two years.
It’s also worth noting that she’s basically in a cult.
I’m shocked no one’s asked the obvious follow-up: “So you’re saying you didn’t know the members of your own coronavirus task force?” Either he knew who she was, or he didn’t care to engage with the people in his own administration who were handling the coronavirus response.
Honestly, it it wasn’t for that $200 Black Friday PS4 with Spider-man included, I don’t think Iwould’ve ever bought one.
My biggest question is whether the whole “cultural revolution to overthrow the American revolution” was really bad, hokey repetition or Trump starting reading on the wrong line?
I mean, it’s a trope at this point that every Jurassic movie ends with a nuclear family unit being formed (or re-formed) out of the chaos (Alan/Ellie/Lex/Tim, Ian/Sarah/Kelly, the Kirbys, Owen/Claire/Zach/Gray, Owen/Claire/Maisie).
I always liked “Warren Buffet’s net worth is closer to yours, dear internet stranger, than it is to Jeff Bezos’.”
normal life in the US may not be back until the end of 2021, even if there’s a vaccine by the end of 2020
Is there any utility with o-rings/switch dampeners? If so, any recs?
Is there any utility with o-rings/switch dampeners? If so, any recs?
The problem was the state polls were off in the Midwest, partially due to outdated methodology but more to do with them being under-polled, assuming Clinton had them in the bag. I am seeing multiple polls every week out of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, so that’s not an issue this time.
It’s actually super funny - rich people’s big boats sunk a bunch of (relatively) poorer people’s smaller boats, because those rich people refused to make room for those poorer people. Meanwhile, the poorer people were just happy to be around the richer people, even if it meant that they might die.
I don’t think many people are out there *cheering on* rioting.
Trump, happily violating the Hatch Act by hosting a political campaign on the White House lawn before 1,500 guests
Would it be better if Hulk was unquestionably the strongest character, but he periodically ignored player inputs to target other enemies? It’s one way to balance , and it incorporates him going off on a blind rage.
Just as a reminder, if you shrink the window size down (about a quarter of the screen works for me), it forces these slideshows into list mode.
I really don’t care. Do U?
an icy blonde cut from the same cloth as Tomi Lahren
The situation you’re describing, in which AV Club would review a theatrical-only release because the reviewer was able to view the movie outside of a theater, has not yet occurred and nothing in this article says it’s AV Club’s plan to do this.
I know all Republican women are basically interchangeable to Republican men, but goddamn, it’s strange to see Guilfoyle basically become Dana Loesch once the latter disappeared.
There’s a possibility that the movie will soon be released via streaming, in which case a timely review can influence a reader’s opinion to watch at home.