
We tend to overreact to elections and assume they’re valid roadmaps to future success, even though it’s just based on one crazy night and results are based on thousands of factors, none of which can be controlled against. Clinton doesn’t get sick? She wins. Comey doesn’t reopen the investigation? She wins. Clinton

I don’t think Dunne had a more sympathetic audience - I think he was just better than Letter was at the argument.

I don’t know if appealing to SCOTUS’ self interest works.

The interesting thing is that McConnell is couching his entire argument in terms of respecting the president, but then he betrays just how little he respects another president by telling him to shut his mouth.

I love the lines that McConnell draws - it’s not okay for a former president to critique a current one, but it is okay for a current president to critique a former one.

Melania’s smart. The last time Donald insisted that protection wasn’t needed, homegirl demanded a turkey baster instead.

He didn’t want to unilaterally shut down the state, since it would unnecessarily close those small towns that were fine.

Now playing

Governor Abbott, attuned as always to the direction conservative winds are blowing

Has someone told Trump he could make a lot of money selling Trump-branded facemasks? “Make America Well Again,” etc?

Weird how paying people their own tax dollars is too expensive, but, say, $1.5 trillion for a plane that can’t actually fly is totally fine.

I played it prior to the ‘rona. Like I said, super fun, spent the time to 100% the game.

Oh man, you’re gonna be real surprised when Republicans start passing laws that actually prevent employees from suing their employers when they contract covid-19 due to an unsafe working environment like this one.

Right? Like, Fallen Order was great, but damn did the game feel like a struggle at times.

Same answer, different reasoning for me.

Most definitely. The factor to consider is that coronavirus is here and actively killing people. The Nazis were an ocean away!

Neither of the Nolans can ever write a coherent third act. They’re fantastic at worldbuilding and setting up mystery boxes, but when it comes down to the finale, they always whiff.

With a dollop of why-the-hell-is-she-wearing-boots-in-the-house on the side.

She’s wildly efficient at carrying our Trump’s agenda without causing a major scene.  Meanwhile, she’s funding the shit out of Trump support groups, such as