
it’s also the name of the band behind the hit song, “Right Now,” as featured in the 2000 Jason Biggs vehicle, Loser.)

All roads lead to a demand for Biden’s personal files.

Really hoping someone starts pushing Trump/these idiot governors on why they’re opening up the state for business, but not statehouse tours.

I’d like to think that, but there are still Republicans in New Orleans.

I’m gonna be the outlier here and say that I was a little disappointed in this as a finale. Loved the arc as a bit of storytelling, but it didn’t leave me feeling like it was a good end to this 133-episode saga.

Most creative people desperately need someone empowered to tell them when their ideas are moronic.

Dolly Parton is doing her best, y’all.

Just keeping score:

I dunno if it’s talent as much as it is forethought. Evolve was fun in that the solo player’s relative strength changes as the game continues. Dead by Daylight is fun because there’s dozens of monsters and each is so dramatically different.

One can dream!

I’m willing to grant that there’s probably some reasonable time for repeat testing for critical members of government (despite the usual joke, the VP makes that list), but I’d be curious to find out who his orbit of testing applies to).

He told pool reporters, “As vice president of the United States, I’m tested for the coronavirus on a regular basis, and everyone who is around me is tested for the coronavirus.”

Birds of Prey is a bit of a stretch, but it doesn’t devalue the article’s larger point.

Thus Abrams finds herself instigating a devils’ bargain: potentially advance her standing by defending Biden and risk blowback or miss her chance for higher office. Careerism must be a stronger motivator than trepidation for Abrams, who has set herself up as a ride or die advocate for Biden.

I hope it’s not too authentic to the character.  I’d hate to get a guitar covered in semen.

If anyone is actually going to murder his father and sleep with his mother, smart money is on Don. Jr.

I wonder how the evangelicals who (inexplicably support his father) feel about these two shacking up before marriage?

We got word that state agencies in Texas might be forced to swallow up to a 20% budget cut, so everyone is already “joking” with older co-workers about how great retirement would be and trying to figure out who got hired more recently than they did.

Nope, but I don’t think you should get praise for giving it back.  If I find a wallet on the ground and help myself to $10, I don’t get to act like a big damn hero if I give it back after getting caught.

But they’re pretty sure that New York won’t allow them to come back by then, so the loan probably wouldn’t be forgiven.