Dont speed or break the law....... seems simple when you think about it
Dont speed or break the law....... seems simple when you think about it
rachel dolezal
didnt they already fail at this a few years ago
Well he announced himself as police so.........
lets see some links to those studies. Dont tell us what you know. Show us.
you are using logic. That is a pretty big no no around here.
surprise surprise. Name one occurrence where the camera was turned off as you said and an unarmed black kid was shot. Lets see some links.
“As the end of the internal combustion era appears to be coming into view”
“Now don’t get weak on the message.
must be his supervisor
So you turn civilians into traffic police so they are no longer civilians so then they are police. Just rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.
LULZ “we estimate”
Hahahahah. You sound like the bus driver from Billy Madison.
Democrat ran state. Surprise surprise
4.7 is possibly the low range in the transfer case. Only think that seems logical to me. My 85 4runner has 4.7 in the case with 4.10 gears, 96hp and 35s. It does ok so i could only imagine 300hp.
Its funny. If i build a widget and no one that likes the widget i build that builds them then they can always find another job building widgets for someone else and i can find people to replace them. It is relatively simple. No one is holding you down to work at FoMoCo. They have been building police cars for 6 or 7…
lulz @ 41k. If you spend that youre not buying them right and i feel sorry for your tax payers.
After reading the comments maybe it would be best if everyone catches it and everyone dies. Sofaking ungrateful and negative.
My stock suspension 85 4runner will do that too soooo.......
couldnt agree moar. I love this site but its eat slam up with libs.