“And which Breitbart/Newsmax-invented “lies” are you referring to?”
“And which Breitbart/Newsmax-invented “lies” are you referring to?”
I’ll take Trump’s unpredictability to Hillary’s predictability any day. Only one of these two choices has a record of warmongering & war profiteering and it isn’t Trump. I have only heard Trump speak of nukes in hypotheticals and specific aggression of any kind towards ISIS exclusively.
You understand Noonan is a…
All I got out of this was John Noonan doesn’t know how to post an attachment to Twitter.
The biggest media con job in recent history is how the left can so easily question Trump’s sanity, and not question Clinton’s. If the future Cuckquean-in-chief isn’t a narcissist, I’m not sure what one is.
I do not believe a word they say. This is the status quo crowd who have destroyed the middle class and continue to export jobs and trillions overseas. They will lie like theyve been lying for decades.
Just more libtard attacks. At least Trump won't sell the codes to the highest bidder like Hillary will and then deny it.
Trump 2016.
Anti-Trump rhetoric here too? This is not a political page. It should be based on solid facts. What happen over here?
The fix is in, the election is rigged. Media is going nuts about Trump because he’s not in their pocket.
Fucking Sheeple. Clinton has committed mass murder in the past and they will do it again. Trump for President!
No - no. The answer is to do that if they threaten you, like I said. Why would you allow NK to keep testing their nukes which have your names written on them and not threaten to retaliate should they ever be fired for real? What about Hillary, what if she’s the President and has to face the choice of nuking someone…
Yep, but it’s been brought to heel by it’s corporate masters, and in this case, the Clinton money machine, if that isn’t obvious.
Tacky and cliché use of Reductio ad Hitlerum and Godwin’s Law. I found it flattering you thought I’m American though, my English must be pretty good then!! I’m not American, and I’m totally sure I’d be welcome by President Trump to go there and lawfully get my American Citizenship, hehe. I loved how you formatted your…
If you only read sites/newspapers that come up with this kind of fear mongering bullshit, you’d fear and hate Trump. I did not like him at first because of the bad stuff people make up about him, but then I started to read more about him and Hillary, exactly because one of them might control the deadliest arsenal ever…
Another cross-post of a complete horseshit political diatribe, and what a surprise it comes from Raph. Keep this crap off Jalopnik; there’s plenty of other Gawker pages that welcome this garbage.
FA used to be pretty non political and focused on the military. Now it's one attack story after another but only on one side.
Given the Clintons’ documented track record of poor ethics, you would think that we would be discussing Her Majesty’s issues, but no, it is more fun to attack the outsider who is not part of the DC domination machine.
Yeah, you can’t trust that Trump guy with the launch codes....unlike Hillary whose husband lost his launch codes when he was in office.
Anyone remeber when FA was actually good and not just a political shrill?
Fuck this story. Those tweets are just a mix of insider facts plus personal military and political opinions. Nothing more.