It didn’t win Worst Picture of the Year. That was Hillary’s America, Dinesh D’Souza’s amazingly bad propaganda film about how the Democratic Party was entirely responsible for slavery. No really.
It didn’t win Worst Picture of the Year. That was Hillary’s America, Dinesh D’Souza’s amazingly bad propaganda film about how the Democratic Party was entirely responsible for slavery. No really.
Porcupine to pork chop is even funnier!
I remember the old second edition polymorph where you could transform a vat of acid into pork chop and feed it to someone and wait for the spell to expire.
And? What did you do with all the money? Don’t leave me hanging like that!
One time a GM thought he was being all smartass and mean by putting us in a situation where there was a shitload of treasure (we're talking thousands of pounds of platinum and gems and gold) in front of us, we couldn’t come back again, and we could only take what we could carry. When both mages showed him that we had…
In some versions, Otto’s also causes the target to provoke attacks of opportunity on their turn (because they’re dancing). If you can land this spell on the Big Bad for even one round, you basically give all of your melee characters an extra attack. Not only that, but it also drastically reduces the victim’s defenses…
The reason Otto’s Irresistible Dance is 8th Level is because it doesn’t allow either a saving throw or magic resistance. No matter how powerful your opponent is (Draco-Lich, Demi-God, Squirrel Girl) you take them off the board for 2-5 rounds- rounds where they can’t hurt you, heal their minions, or teleport away.