I went back and forth on this for several minutes, but I decided “dick Icarus” was too mellifluous a phrase to be denied, and I stand by it.
I went back and forth on this for several minutes, but I decided “dick Icarus” was too mellifluous a phrase to be denied, and I stand by it.
If this show doesn’t have Frank sick a polar bear on some mobsters by punching it in the face I will be disappointed.
So, all the bros who spent the last few months screaming at Katie Rife for daring to talk about this and INSISTING THAT THERE WAS NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT until some accusers came forward and until then this was just a plot by mean ol’ Jezebel and AV Club to smear poor Louie...
It’s not interesting to you that they found the personal, anonymous Twitter account of the then-head of the FBI? That’s a pretty neat story.
Sigh. Me afraid me have to agree. And me loved Zack’s reviews of earlier Trek series — they one of favorite things AVC ever did. But me very frustrated with Star Trek fans who not willing to let new show be new show and not retread of everything that came before.
I get why people are frustrated with the show, and your review touches on some of what I consider to be the strengths and weaknesses here, but when a reviewer comes right out and says they cannot review a show on its own merits, I am forced to wonder if they’re the right person for the task.
I have a lot of respect for…
Huh, The Onion’s EIC resigned over Univision/Kinja
Me have heard for years that Jackie Chan had been looking for more serious roles and not had any luck with Hollywood. So me glad to see he finally found one. This looks terrific.
God willing.
He’s telling people about all the things they didn’t win.
His ghost is whispering sweet nothings in the ears of all SNL cast members.
Comment sorting is even more important. Depending on how old or new a story was and how many or how few comments there were, I was prone to using all three settings on Disqus, newest, oldest or best.
Nested. Comments.
Daily They’re Still Going to Take Away Your Health Care Reminder:
Politics Corner - Health Care is front and center again, and whether or not the nation realizes that in time will be decisive in how this all plays out for all of us. I wrote yesterday about the Graham Cassidy plan, which I said was a real threat, but I understated the level of the threat. Reports today say that the…