Crude language? This is the internet sweetheart. You can hold out your stupid fucking swear jar in real life, not here. If you don’t like it, go away.
Crude language? This is the internet sweetheart. You can hold out your stupid fucking swear jar in real life, not here. If you don’t like it, go away.
Sad to see them just abandon the game like this. I personally really enjoyed the game in spite of its flaws and was looking forward to the Quarian ark DLC teased at the end of the game.
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.
It’s a lot more than that, really. There are random battles against hordes of baddies, but the story missions have you doing things like dodging orbital lasers in your car, fighting a pitched battle in a rave, infiltrating an enemy base, fighting bosses requiring special tactics.
Different character weapon types fare…
Next week Volition launches Saints Row spin-off Agents of Mayhem, an open-world action adventure featuring a group…
Farscape is easily one of the most underrated science fiction shows of the last 20 years. In fact he might have taken more lessons from it on showing how a group of dissimilar people become a family.
Why would I try either when I have a real live moron right here?
Nielsen is an absolute fucking joke. How they still manage to be the “standard” for measuring tv ratings is beyond me. Sadly their poor ratings have been the death of many seemingly popular tv shows.
Cats suck!
I liked Iron Fist. Suck my nads
Eh, using undeniably popular movies based on work by the same author to promote one of his works that the general public isn’t nearly as aware of is probably not too dumb in my opinion.
The days of the good old trusty internal combustion engine, which revolutionized transportation but also maybe…
I’m seconding Sheppy Shep. I’ve had mine for a while now, still running on the original blade. I definitely use it 2-3 times a week. Both to shave my neck all the way down, and then use the guard on the rest of my face. I wouldnt go by the recommended usage length.
I’m seconding Sheppy Shep. I’ve had mine for a while now, still running on the original blade. I definitely use it…
Sold. (Or actually purchased.) The adjustable head was the deal maker for me. That and I couldn’t take the pressure any more!! You guys have been raving about this across multiple articles. Time I finally found out why.
Sold. (Or actually purchased.) The adjustable head was the deal maker for me. That and I couldn’t take the pressure…
Better yet, just label them all wrong and laugh at your disappointed dinner guests as you hope none have serious dietary restrictions!
That’s a pretty stark correlation.
Today I learned a lot of people don’t know the difference between difficulty and an insane fucking time sink.
It’s finally happening! Adult Swim has announced the release date for the much-hyped third season of Rick and Morty,…
1. Why are they automatically labeled as lesbian? They could be bisexual or something else. They like each other.