“Wrapped in chains?” there is literally 1 chain around her.
“Wrapped in chains?” there is literally 1 chain around her.
I just did not get why this movie was vaunted as being ‘so good’ I honestly enjoyed Bird Box more (not saying BB was a great movie, it was alright ... but better than a quiet place imo.)
This JUST started production? Kill me, I want it so bad.
Curious if they are doing this in WA state, cuz this is hella illegal for wait staff, I would assume it would be for door dashers too.
You haven’t watched this in 2 years... but Dylan has grown a lot, he’s in nursing school (and doing well there) and while he’s not perfect, he makes her happy.
Oh, yea... a magic deboner would be great.
yea, I do not recommend putting whole live chickens in your stand mixer.
I suppose that is true, if you have a small kitchen I can certainly see needing that space to go elsewhere, but if you have the space and the money it is a worthy investment.
I don’t have pics, but yes I put chicken in my mixer ... lately I instant pot up the breasts, and then just toss them in the mixer and turn it on. Shredded chicken in about 30 seconds... bit more clean up than using 2 forks, but omg is it so much faster/better. Here is an article with pics: https://www.stockpilingmoms.…
I know this goes against the heart of Civ, but like ... I want a dummies version of this game. I’ve killed hundreds of hours in a variety of Civ games but I’m terrible at all the minutia, and I rarely understand how a lot of the core mechanics really work ... and I just want a super simple version of the game that I…
You’re wrong ... stand mixers are amazing. I make pulled pork/chicken with them, homemade whipped cream, cakes, sauces, lots of other things.
This, when they introduced the GoTG I really hoped we’d get Annihilation, it’s one of the first comic cross overs I ever read. It also made Ronan one of my favorite Marvel characters ... and then they did what they did to him in GoTG and I was sorely dissapointed (despite loving the rest of the movie) I really hope…
I’m gonna reply to everyone at once. I agree the CW shows are worse ... and yea it’s not ‘exactly’ the same thing, but just the way Netflix said it made it sound like this was some huge groundbreaking thing they did ... and while it was great and I did love it ... it’s really not.
Somebody didn’t get their payout.
When do we think that FB will just buy an island, make their own nation and host their servers there so they basically can ignore all laws?
I see this all the time, and I’m in America. Usually only the very first time I visit a website though, cuz then they add a cookie saying I have been there.
“It had never been done before” ... doesn’t the DC do this every year on CW?
I’m curious here, I know that eating vegetables causes me to ‘release additional greenhouse gasses’ has anyone taken things like that into account when calculating these stats?
“The results show that cities’ climates will, at the end of the century, look more like cities 528 miles south do today if emissions continue rising in line with current trends.”
I came here to say this.