
Aspiring coffee snob here...

All those suggestions, and not a single '69-'74 Datsun 510, or a BMW 2002 Tii. For shame.

Chevy Caprice 9C1 package. It was the police package for the civilians.

You missed [] Strigiphilus garylarsoni. A biting louse only found on owls.

Tipping etiquette seems to change from city to city around Europe. For example, in Barcelona, Spain, it seems to be mostly old tourists getting ready for, or returning from, cruises. They expect tips from non-locals. But, no locals will tip. In France, we asked out hotelier about tipping. We had to explain the

Learn some simple greetings, and then learn to ask if they speak english. Hablamos inglés? My wife and I spent 2 weeks in France, Spain, and Germany. As long as you make an attempt to start conversations in the local language and are polite, most merchants will bend over backwards to help you.

My first thought.

Super high end green coffee is cheaper than cheap already roasted coffee. An old garage sale sourced hot-air popper is cheap as well. Coffee is best after 2-3 days out of the roaster, and less than 10 days old. That's a decently large window for the amount of coffee that you can roast per round in a hot-air popper.

Also, why are Gawker sites so screwed up that "Video Cannot Be Found" is the most common thing I read on any of their posts?

Please stop blocking off the Youtube functions. I would like to go to the actual youtube page for these. I want to see them in the max resolution.

Holy crap! Mr. Bean can drive! I would love to see him in the F1 old RPC.

Nurburg, Germany. Why? Because, Racetrack! I have made the trip to mecca, and want to go back, this time renting a more capable car!

Well, his group needs to find saddles of the correct width for their sit-bones. I found that the Specialized BG Avatar came in the correct with for my butt after trying out ~4 other saddles. Apparently, I have wide sit-bones.

English is pretty much the standard language of all ATC operations and that trickles down through pretty much all facets of airline operations.

@pallendo: But, all in all, things are just things.

If I were to pick up and have to walk away from EVERYTHING tomorrow, I don't think I would miss much but having a roof over my head. But, for what is in my life that I do not own, my wife.

The correct answer, if you mean in looks and presence, is the Probe 16. Or, as I like to call it, the Durango 95.

Obviously an american fan of the british Top Gear.

Obviously an american fan of the british TopGear.