@Zerozaki Ishiki: Hey. When you're basing your sentences off of Cash, Guns, Chaos, what do you expect?
@Zerozaki Ishiki: Hey. When you're basing your sentences off of Cash, Guns, Chaos, what do you expect?
Well, I do see it failing, for the same reason all game movies fail. They require that the person inserts themself into them, but the movies never do that.
@Mainman: Yep. All the time. My friends and I had a fighting game tournament using the Rock Band Drums and Guitar. We played Tekken 5 and Virtua Fighter using nothing but those peripherals.
@Green-clad Gamer Dude: Oh yeah? Well, then you want to hear my idea for an alternate Zelda?
It was fun. I spent one level trying to break the necks of everyone I met, and then dancing on their corpses, or shooting them into unusual figures.
@RogueSophist: +1 means you're going to start following them.It doesn't affect an arbitrary points system. Well, it does, but I pretend connectedness doesn't exist.
Yeah, this game is fun, yet brutally hard.
A GTA MMO, Counter-Strike, and WoW will end all nerd life as we know it. All that will exist are the three hiveminds.
Of course. Because I fold proteins in my spare time anyways.
Well, they've obviously screwed up the Mortal Combat system. The combat was always slow an unwieldy. What made it acceptable was the over-the-top aspect in every situation.
@j.howlett: They change the homepage all the time.
Sweet. This is pretty awesome.
Mi madre dice que yo tengo que le da un punetazo a ti?
Awww. They got taken off the air for mis-phrasing a minuscule number.
@CONFUSEDgam3r: The school system was designed to make workers for an assembly line. Liberal thinking really only appears in college. Conservative powers rule until then.
@LittleBigPlaneteer: I can't tell if elaborating that statement, or leaving it as it is would be more of a trolling statement.
So, Luke, it's been bugging me: Oceania, or Australia? Which is the one you prefer? Which is the PC term?
@JimElNino: Yeah, I'd hate to be one of those bloody idiots who doesn't know that "tongue-in-cheek" means that you're telling a joke.