
I agree generally, but to your first point, that's kinda why I don't think anyone should ever "diet". People should change their diets to eat healthier, and change their habits so they exercise more in a way that you know you can sustain indefinitely. And I think weight loss should not be the primary reason why you're

Proving once again that the real reason why WWII happened is because more people didn't actually read Mein Kampf.

To be clear, I'm not saying that losing weight is a bad thing or that it shouldn't be a goal, just that I think we focus way too much on the number of how much we weigh and not the actual substance of what we put into our bodies or how much we exercise. Hence crash or fad diets that are insanely unhealthy but do

Yep. I think there is a small subset of people who do argue for complete, total, there's-no-difference-between-fat-and-skinny-people-healthwise acceptance, which is ludicrous, but the only arguments I've seen here have been very legitimate "Hey, don't treat fat people like shit" and "Let fat women talk about their

This. It is really hard to keep weight off, especially if you're merely overweight and not obese. Which is why I think there should be much more focus on eating healthy and exercising rather than strictly on losing weight, since the first two actually help you live longer.

Neither of whom happen to currently be on TV, too…at least to my knowledge.

…and who's arguing for the second condition?

She's also not really hideously unattractive. I mean, by the way (some) people talk about her nude scenes, you'd think she was Jabbette the Hut.

Still a better love story than Twilight!

You can usually spot them because they call him "Dave".

Thanks for the link, because this sounds fascinating and I'll definitely check it out.

I think it's pretty damn disturbing too that he seems to be more upset that they killed a fellow classmate than that they actually killed someone, at least at first. Sort of like he didn't realize that justifying murder might mean justifying the murder of someone he liked.

I had a similar problem, since the sketch didn't really go any further than "two straight guys kissing = HILARIOUS".

As is the "The genre is marketed to white males, so it can be racist and sexist" argument.

Some of the best sci-fi has been written by women! But apparently, "only men like sci-fi." Grrrr

A bunch of excellent female characters, too. …and Kate.

If Leno ever knew how to be funny in the first place.

I don't even own a Super Bowl.

I think they're divided on it, though most of the famous libertarians are pro-life. And by famous, I mean Ron and Rand Paul.

Now I miss the brief moment where he was the new Jerry, since he totally deserves the hate they piled on him much more than poor Jim O'Heir.