
That’s cool. Except he’s also said it’s literally a pun?

Saiya / Yasai. Yasai being vegetable. Vegetable people/race, and they’re all named after vegetables. XD

Edit: from Super Exciting Guide: Character Volume (2009)
For example, the one in control of the Saiyans and other villainous aliens is Frieza. Strictly

Saiyajin is the Japanese pronunciation. The -jin suffix literally means “person”. So, Saiya-person, or person of the Saiya race. Amerikajin = American, or person of/from America, etc.

Saiyan is the stylized version for other countries. :)

I hadn’t heard of this site before. Thank you! :D

eBay. At double the price. :(

There’s the Pokemon Center online store for the US too, but I’m pretty sure they’re keeping the Kyoto-exclusive stuff to the store in Kyoto. For now, at least. T___T

I came down to the comments wondering if anyone else had that same thought. LOL

I’m sure someone will take advantage of the vibrate function of this thing in ways Bandai might not have considered. -___-

You must be fun at parties. /s :P

In all seriousness though, I’ve been asking that question since the first Mystery Dungeon game came out. lol

Am I the only one here totally digging the “Arcade” Cloud design? I’d never seen that version of him until just now.

It’s quite detailed without trying too hard to make him look lifelike, and his hair colour is pleasant to me. Less platinum blonde and more... brownish strawberry blonde, I guess? Dunno what to call it.

I completely agree. What makes it even more stupid is that the ヴァ (va) sound is “too foreign”, and yet, somehow, the イェ (ye) in Jäger is perfectly fine? Granted the ye sound used to exist in the Japanese “alphabet” a long time ago, but then again, it was so rarely used they actually retired the kana from usage.


Auto-correct is a bitch. lol

Not sure why you said the same thing to every post in the thread... one would have sufficed. lol

I -know- Toriyama never claimed it to be cannon and I certainly never considered it as such (same as the movies), but I’ve long since learned that shrieking NON-CANNON in a thread full of DBZ fans tends to draw anger from

I thought the new plot points in the new movies (Super Saiyan God, for instance) kinda made GT an alternate universe of sorts... if they (and the upcoming new series) haven’t cancelled out GT entirely...

Wow, the escalated quickly. Completely miss the point, why don’t you... what’s with putting words in my mouth and hearing what you want to hear? I’m not attacking you or whatever beliefs you hold. Chill.

You’re applying a cultural concept to another culture that has not entirely reached the point that you expect it to

You... do realize that this game is Japanese, right? Over there, the games/anime/TV shows with all-male casts are invariably more popular than those with all-female casts, unless the thing is made FOR men with girls being there for eye-candy and cutesey-ness.

Even a lot of the female-targeted games and anime have

YOU got what I was trying to say. :)

The implication in the original posting was that SE is considering having female guest character(s) appear in-game because people complained (probably mostly female gamers that felt unrepresented, of which I am NOT one of) that there aren’t any females in the party (in the demo at

“Oh look! Someone who has a differing opinion and decided to state it, how dare they! Let’s be sure to point out to that their opinion is invalid because we all know that you’re not allowed to have a differing opinion and be vocal about it on the internet! Stop attacking other people’s opinions with your opinion!”


YES! Thank you! It’s not even about the criticism at the end of the day, it’s about SE not sticking to their guns in the hopes of avoiding said criticism (which they will never avoid).

*chants* Barbecue! Barbecue!

No. Not leaving her out of the game. Adding her to the -party- for the sake of it. Add a temporary female to the party? Get criticized for not making her permanent. Not have a useable female at all? Get criticized anyway. Add her permanently? Crit for her being or not being type X Y and Z. You see where I’m coming

If they’re adding her for the sake of adding her to represent or appease, then why bother? Didn’t make myself clear enough, I guess.