Way to miss the point.
Way to miss the point.
While I agree, no one said being a great artist/renderer required proper knowledge of the subject matter....
Well, gifts can't pay for that eventual divorce. Asking for straight up cash seems like a good idea. :)
I had a similar reaction. That video disgusted me.
The scenario you laid out never took place. Blow and Fish overreacted to being asked about the XBone reversal by other gaming news outlets [NOT Marcus Beer], Beer called them out on it on Invisible Walls, and then Fish responded by tweeting some pretty ridiculous stuff at Beer. I'm sure you've already seen screencaps…
Correct. I just got around to watching Beer's rant, and it isn't because they refused to comment, but because of the way they went about it.
Hell, at first I thought Marcus Beer had gone on and initiated contact with Phil Fish on Twitter, and that this was what caused the meltdown, but that wasn't even it. Fish sent a…
I'm just glad neither of them are American. We've already got enough of our people making themselves look like total douche bags on a regular basis. :)
Thank you so much for this.
I want to see that made into an image macro! XD
Nah, not everyone. Some of use are at least self aware enough to know how to behave on public internet "forums", as far as protecting our image goes.
For Beer, this is pretty much just another walk in the park. He owns his identity as a dick, unapologetically, so I doubt he'll be negatively affected in any significant…
So....Fish gets called a big whiner, and to prove everyone wrong he...cancels his fucking game? Bro'....terrible form.
Beer can be a bit of a dick at times, but I guess he was right about Fish on this one...
Knowing the kind of game Disgaea is, A and B are exactly why I've never even attempted any of the games. I just don't have it in me to grind that much, and I know I'll hate myself for stopping when I do eventually, so...
Still pretty old to be out in the field and still able to pull these acrobatics.
Is Sam really that old, or was that hyperbole? o.O
I thought Hobo-Sam was a daring idea. I was intrigued to see what they would do it with, and then...
Hands down, my favorite giant mech game EVAR! I was actually telling a friend that if they made a Pacific Rim videogame, RAD is exactly how it should feel.
*dies from nostalgia*
Am I the only one that heard Drebin narrating at the start of the trailer...or is MGS4 half a decade old and forgotten already? >__>