
Even the plot of Metal Gear Solid 2 is more plausible than this "theory".

I'm really gonna have to stop telling the obnoxious 12 year olds that I sometimes encounter while playing CoD that I fucked their moms. Really don't want to get arrested for rape/rape threats...

It's called controlling the space.

Either the dude attempting to crowd surf was a bit too heavy, or Bronies are collectively scrawny. They almost dropped him a few times...

Pretty good so far! I was expecting the usual thing to which my response is always no-I-actually-already-knew-about-all-of-these-K-thnx-bye.

Hahaha. *sigh*... You just reminded me of my hate for Evangelion 2.22's otherwise cool looking sleeve. Inside, next to an image of Eva Unit-02, it reads:

"In the war between Heaven and Earth, Salvation Is Machine"

That...was....HILARIOUS! @1:08 had me laughing until I cried! XD Thank the non-existent god for videogames, alcohol, and late night internet surfing!

P.S: The girl on the left @1:46 doesn't look of age. >_>'

Glad to know I won't be going straight to Hell by my lonesome. :D

Hey, if the plumbing's all down there...

After I've purchased the HD collection [and I already have MGS for the PlayStation and MGS4], huh? -____-

I would have loved to own this, but I just can't justify the purchase. Guess I'm not hardcore enough...

It's obvious from the most popular comments that trans folk have some real PR issues.

To the people huffing and puffing about this, and proclaiming the Kotaku readership lost to the degenerates, I say take a minute to introspect a bit. No one likes having PC bullshit pushed down their throats, and it isn't a sign of a

Maybe that's good enough for you, but it might not be for others, especially within certain contexts.

It's been there for a while. [At least in the online "circles" I'm in. It becomes really problematic when you have some nut job that changes their mind on what gender pronoun they want to be called on a weekly basis, and then throws a bitch fit over someone calling them "he" when this week they wanted "she".]

LOL! Is that out of Zelda? I think you replied to the wrong comment. I remember DOA's girls being a little rounder in the bossom. ;P

The ridiculously bouncy breasts in the first Dead Or Alive on the PlayStation did it for me. :X

LOLz. Sounds like what Sony promised us with the Cell Processor. Look at how that turned out! The difference here is it's being forced on people.

I mean...I guess one way to advance technology is to drag people kicking and screaming out of their comfort zones. Doesn't mean people will like you for it, however...

Yup, but it's not the first time that Hideo Kojima has retconned part of the previous canon away! XD [I know fanboys that hate when I say that, and will deny it vehemently, but unless they want to wish this trailer/game away, they're going to have some real issues with this one...]

I think he's retconned when and were

We're not talking about who is getting tortured. We're talking about who is doing the narrating that begins at around 1:03.

It's Kaz talking about his missing limbs.

There's definitely a lot of disfigured, disabled, and crippled people in this game. Blind old dude, mute sniper girl, "Skull Face", Huey Emmerich, Kaz, Big Boss, and in the future, Ocelot...

So...........basically the same thing as the "online passes" that many publishers are already enforcing on games in the current gen consoles?

LOL. Ok. XBox fanboys, please tell me how this is exactly the same thing that Microsoft is doing.