
Exactly. And I hope they get a doctor to testify to that.

A rope being released from tension doing this? On her neck? I don’t fucking think so.

I can imagine Yara and Theon showing up just in time to save the day, teaming up with Dany to get her army across the sea, then having Euron show up in episode 10 with his magic horn/game changing artifact. Of course, then it would also make sense for them to introduce the other horn at The Wall...

Episode 10: Total Shipstorm

Dallas is a slow start, I will be honest about that. But I think that mostly has to do with not knowing anything about them, you know? We’re comfortable with NY and OC and BH because we’ve watched them for years; character development and all that. But I’m actually looking forward to the next season of Dallas now.

With room for a rollercoaster.

Hopefully this means something (I speak as someone who has played FFXI since launch day 2003 and still has a subscription running just to tinker around every once in a while):

I love when she invited herself on the trip! “I’d love to go.” Ha ha ha

It’s cute that Bethenny thought she was getting off scot free after her meltdown. LOL The Countess plays a whole other game.

I don’t get women who start families with men who want nothing to do with their kids until they’re 10. That was a serious deal-breaker for me. The thought of ending up with someone like my stepbrother who has three kids and has changed exactly zero diapers haunted my nightmares and is probably the reason it took me so

Jules kept it together until they lost the nanny. She had to step it up, and she did. Her husband continued to be hands off, but demanding. Easy for me to say, but the one they interviewed, who would do extra non-nanny things like do blowouts and wait “on line” outside stores for sales seemed like a keeper.

Luann must be in love because if she remarries she is no longer (gasp!) a countess. I think we all know how fond she is of that title.

I really liked Jules and Michael was such an assbag. When I read the news he cheated I wasn’t the least bit surprised. You could tell something was off with him as far as being a devoted family man.

I think Luann's relationship with her fiancé is all for Bravo. If your storyline isn't compelling you'll get dropped, so she's upped the craziness. Jules, I could tell your husband was having an affair just from the way he acted in the restaurant last night...

Maniacal giggle is right. I mean, I guess she’s happy and good for her but Jesus, I find it disconcerting every time she talks about Tom (I think that’s his name). She sounds like she’s high every time and not on love, but drugs.

I don’t think she knows how to want things for herself. I hope she gets a little selfish and tackles something she’s really interested in.

The thing about coming home from the hospital to find her daughter’s diapers unchanged was so hideous. Good on her for not dragging it out so that we had to hate-watch a piece of shit (a la the Taekmans) for multiple seasons.

I mean.... Lou. Come on. Ramona drops this bomb and she whispers “which ex? Is it Carol?”

anyone want to take guesses on what crushed up pills luann did a line of before having drinks with bethanny?