Best article ever. Especially the Ken interactions.
Best article ever. Especially the Ken interactions.
Except Kristen, go figure!
hahahahaa. Cannot un-see.
His current Hooter’s GF is apparently a lurker.
Thanks for the heads up. I think i will pick book 2 up again this week and head towards book 3. :)
Hahaha. Good job with the research! Now we know. I still would not put it past him though. Dude is shady AF
Hoping the TV show will be less of a bore than book 2. I just can’t get thought it. I have a feeling the eye candy part will definitely make it worthwhile :)
The cat in the top picture is a doppleganger of my old cat that died years ago. I still miss the little asshole. He would wake my up everyday by putting his paw in my hair with 1 claw out to slowly pull my hair.
Yeah, this very fact makes me so sad. Surgery is a really big deal and so many things can go wrong. All due to not fitting into someone else’s notion of beauty.
Nope! He has two very different women appear on the shows at different times.
Thank you :)
Get thee to Hulu and start from the begining. I started watching it there thanks to jez and it is so worth it.
Yeah, Sheana’s smug was just killing me in the last episode. I can’t wait for Stassi to put her back in her place.
Is that really his mom, or is she a reality show mom...aka Slade Smiley’s ‘mom’ from RHoOC?
I can’t not like Stassi due to the hyperbole alone. My recent favorite; “I’d rather give birth to a dumptruck”. Dying.
Yeah it struck me as really gross. Sadly, according to instagram, she is still with him these days. After seeing RHoBH and Yolanda’s implant explosion, the idea of them scares me badly.
I don’t think that was on Jez. If you can find out where you read that, let me know!
Really? Too funny if that is true. That girl is seriously all over the place hahaha.
I feel like Kristen either looks really good, or like a big mess. While I’m all for buying a guy a drink, it has to get old to always be footing the bills for these man-children.
It does seem like she goes for guys that she can take care of. I know she keeps saying she is looking for a ‘guy with a career’ though. It does seem like she scared tha Captain off pretty fast after she showed up on their first date with an overnight bag. So much secondhand embarassment for her over that.