
It's cute you think I take my vitamin for health and not just as one of the few adult excuses for eating gummies in the morning

No question that 2013 was Tom Hiddleston's year, in the civilized world. The Sexiest Man designation for the being who neither sings nor moves like Jagger was a travesty, worse than any Academy Award.

*looks around my bedroom*

I support your crushing on whoever you crush on.

I was going to add to the bulk buyer beneath you, a lot of times you get a discount when you buy over X pounds, that never seems to be advertized.

Also, consider buying less desirable cuts, meat with the bone in, and just cook it slower and lower. You'll end up with the same shredded/pulled meat at a fraction of the

I've shared this many times, but I'm going to share it again, because I'm still in love with this tip. I put an NFC tag on my detergent cap. When I touch my phone to it, it starts a timer on my phone for 45 minutes, so I don't forget to go switch over/bring up the laundry. It's a lot faster than manually setting up

I use this daily. My problem with it is that I didn't get it from Kickstarter, back when it was a nano-suction stick-on. Mine's a sticker. Still, it's so good that I got my 5s but didn't switch over from my 5 for a month...and I stopped using my wallet entirely for this.

VOTE: Sprint
WHY: Awful coverage, customer service is all smiles and lollipops but wont actually do anything to solve issues.

TOMS Midnight Riot Canvas Paseos

Ugh. Just awful. Come on, people. Do you have any consideration for your fellow man? For crying out loud, it's 2013. Why are you still recording vertical screen videos?

I stick with the default app. There's no need for a third party app unless you have a specific feature you're looking for.

Dry off in the freaking shower, bugs me more than anything when people drip on the floor and make the mats soggy, just towel in the shower and then get out. Plus if you dry your feet first you won't pick up any stuff off the floor.

Love OneNote. In a corporate environment that uses MS tools heavily, it is a godsend for keeping track of thoughts/tasks AND brainstorming.

Lifehacker Air does not retract the landing gear because we haven't been able to get the retracting program on the Arduino to work yet.

We have 2 of the same meal (kind of) every week - saves a ton.

My tip for saving money and preventing waste is having a no shopping week every couple of months. Cook entirely from your pantry, fridge, and freezer. I always find a few things I bought and meant to make but never did. Of course a small shopping trip might be made for milk, bread, or other perishables.

This thing is awesome and comes with it's own case to keep the supplies and wand. You can't beat that.