
Somewhere in there should be:

You can make vroom vroom noises with it as you push it around your desk at work.

I am not the lead dog...

Wishful thinking....

River North, Chicago!

Sunday is my company's no meeting day.

As a straight woman, my strategy is as follows: I always offer to pay half on a first date. Always.

My Engineering Management teacher. I had dollar signs in my eyes during my senior year of college because I was that much closer to becoming a genuine engineer. But after hearing his story about how he made millions and then went bankrupt because the money changed who he was, that was a wake up call for me. I had

I think you'll discover just how quickly you abandon those perks when something else is off balance. I left a job that included a basement with several arcade games, bean bags, free food (snacks and full meals), soft drinks and beer in every fridge, Wednesday BBQs on the roof, half days every Friday all summer,

You know what perk I'd prefer most? More money.

What if I want a platter of crispy nachos, smothered in melted, gooey cheese, with bread-crusted chicken glazed with creamy honey-dipping sauce?

Vote: Weber One-Touch charcoal grill.

I work in IT as well at a broker dealer and also work in the background. I still show up business casual. Leather shoes, trousers, dress shirt. Sports coat if I have a meeting. Dress like the job you want, not the job you have.