
Both moves are dick moves on the part of Sony and MS. However, Sony did not pay to keep it off PC unlike MS with RotTR.

My only complaint about DAI is that the tactical camera is crap when using a kb/m. My biggest complaint about GTAV HD is that it currently has yet to be released on a platform that supports kb/m. A game I can play vs. one that I can't because it has yet to be released... Yeah, I'm gonna give this to DAI.

Now playing

This trailer has one of my favorite songs when it comes to promotional trailers.

Not all PC gamers are "anti-console" so let's not make generalizations.

I'll get this game when it arrives on the PC.... M&KB Fo'evah!

Agreed good sir, agreed.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that, don't have great hopes for the optimization unless you're running fairly new hardware."

I can't speak for BD but FC3 was done in house by Dan Hay's team. Ubisoft Kiev is rumored to be working on the PC versions of ACU and FC4. Unfortunately, UbiKiev is infamous for poorly optimized PC ports.

I'm just gonna leave this here...

Honestly, I would much prefer raw honesty to the whole song and dance that poorly covers the condescending animosity that publishers seem to have for PC gamers.

It's ok...

I want to get behind this but this is a multiplatform cross generational game and we have not seen too many of those execute w/o a crapton of issues at launch. However, from my understanding Monolith is only handling the x86 versions (pc, ps4, XB1) while a second studio is handling the 7th gen versions.

It's sad when the most memorable thing about your game is the fact that it released w/o an offline mode thus causing it to become synonymous with "cluster**** launches."

Let me preface my post with this: I'm primarily a PC gamer. I just prefer the mouse and keyboard for almost every genre of gaming. Personally, I prefer the PS4 version because there is an offline mode. My isp went down this morning for a brief half hour yet I was still able to play my gifted copy of D3.

Looks fun and it reminds me of BF. I'll wait for the 8th gen-PC port. No way Ubisoft is not going to port it and leave all that money on the table.


When will they announce the delay of the PC version?

I am liking this... thanks for the link.

That rhythms. Well played, well played.

I would advise anyone who wants PC version of Assassin's Creed: Unity and/or Farcry 4 to please wait for reviews. There is a rumor that Ubisoft Kiev is working on those versions and their track record for producing quality PC ports is subpar at best.