
Seriously? They would not let him play Barton. That would of been awesome.

My roomate thought it would be funny to take one of my empty asthma inhalers and turn it into a “jet chem” prop for Holloween.

I wasn’t playing on sleeping anyway.... so.

Ok I have some newb questions. Say I need to use a junk item because it has a screw that need to build something else. Said junk item also has gold and 2 steel. If I use said junk item soley for the screw what then happens to the 2 steel and gold? Does it disappear or is it stored? If it is stored, then where is it

Just adding to what you are saying.... A lot of people don’t realize that. $12 of a console title goes to the console manufacturer as a license fee. Another $12 goes to the physical retailer. It’s also the same reason why digital EA published titles on Origin and Ubisoft published titles on Uplay should not be sold at

Yes. They have a “Don’t expect to get the Steam key until the day is out” clause but 99% of the time I got the key on the same day the preloads start on Steam... give or take an hour.

Yes. They have a “Don’t expect to get the Steam key until the day is out” clause but 99% of the time I got the key


  • Fallout 4 — Xbox One, PS4, PC

I doubt it.

I’m going to have to disagree with you on your notion of “revenue is not necessarily greater than sales.” Sales only become important if those small profit margin can generate higher revenue streams. In the case of Ubisoft’s investment of XB1 development over PC... that is clearly not the case since the revenue margin

Problem with that is the article I post is more recent than the one you’re posting. June 2015 trumps February 2015 because it’s more recent. Overall revenue streams of one platform for various titles is better indicator than the data for one specific title.

Alright, anyone beside Vivendi probabley still better than the Guillemots. Also where did you get the 9% of PC sales? Last time I checked revenue is the bigger factor.

I went over that in my initial post (see below).

“We’re going to fight to preserve our independence.” – Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot

Mr. Reese.... another number has come up.

If you don’t mind the minor risk you could try grey market keys. From my understanding publishers hold them in the same regard as used console copies.

I’m grateful for the free DLC CDPR delivered. Very few developers/publishers do that and that is something that is very much appreciated, especially in this day and age. However, that was a feature they announced prior to the game’s release, in order to push sales, and had they not delivered, they would not be getting

So a publisher not allocating more personnel into making sure a PC port releases in an optimized state, and in a timely manner, is not the fault of the publisher? How dare paying customers expect a product in a optimized state.

Thank you.