Faisal Mustafa

This was a fantastic read, thanks for digging up this story. Is there a way for people outside Japan to donate to the organization?

Let me add this...

What I don’t get is that, in fact, an assault weapons ban would have worked here. He wasn’t a criminal buying firearms on the black market; he purchased them legally. A ban on assault weapons would have abso-fucking-lutely prevented him from obtaining assault rifles and bump-stocks!

Fine. Tell me ANY major issue, excluding possibly abortion, where Republicans support the side that is geared more towards helping protect lives and safe guarding the well being of the majority of Americans. As opposed to the side that is more about lining the pockets of corporations, special interests and their

“Those were the daaaaaayyyyyys.... “

Do people still watch this show? It’s nothing but tits and dragons and tits have been in very short supply.....