
If that headline stands, then people need to get the fuck outta Japan!

Right? My initial thought on reading that headline was “What the fuck are the Japanese doing to get hit by lightning so often?”

Well, it does make sense when you consider the frequent thunderstorms over there, plus the fact that the average Japanese person is about fifteen feet tall, and made of...uh, metal...

Normally, I would respond with a sort of defense of gun rights and such, but I cannot anymore. Not today, not yesterday and not tomorrow.

That’s exactly how I read it. That Japan has a wild lightning death problem.

The headline is definitely backwards. Should be dying by gun in Japan is as likely as getting struck by lightening in American. written it kind of implies lightning strikes that kill people are really, really frequent in Japan. My brain does not want to compute it at all.

Yep... it’s the wrong way round.

There are 1.1 million days per year, apparently. There were about 33,000 gun-related deaths in the US in 2015, or about 9o per day. This includes suicides and accident/negligence as well as homocide.

Is it just me or was that headline kind of confusing?