Previously on Empire, Rhonda became the first and last woman to ever wear a blowjob bib, after falling to her death…
Previously on Empire, Rhonda became the first and last woman to ever wear a blowjob bib, after falling to her death…
The Handmaid’s Tale is one of the finest dystopian novels ever written, and it is, inescapably and fundamentally,…
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
User interface design is hard, but we’ve been getting better at it over the years to the point where even a…
For years, many exotic car buyers have been registering their cars in Montana thanks to a loophole in the law that…
Over the last few weeks, a YouTube channel has been uploading a Let’s Play of a game called Petscop. On the surface, …
In his current life, Sebastian Gorka is a deputy assistant to Donald Trump, a job that involves going on television…
On March 8, the majority of the staff of Jezebel will be participating in A Day Without A Woman, the general women’s…
On Thursday, esteemed President and noted draft dodger Donald J. Trump put on his big boy jacket and cosplayed as a…
We may never know whether Donald J. Trump, our esteemed president and leader, is actually a billionaire, since he…
You know who is probably not being showered with enough gifts and attention just for making the huge relationship…
If the world of wedding blogs is a candy-colored, calligraphed, calla-lillied carnival, then wedding Instagram is…