
About to catch up on last week's Hannibal. You guys were freaking out about it, so I'm hoping for the best/worst.

I really don't like her.

Parks does kinda have a lot more marketability with Ron Swanson, Chris Pratt, and Aziz Ansari. It's kinda weird it hasn't garnered a more consistent audience, but then we are talking about a young demo and NBC's audience.

I think it's less about that and more that Hamon's style fits much better in an animated setting than a live action setting. You can start to notice it especially in Season 3 when things get a little cartoony. If Community actually were a cartoon this show would probably be just as amazing as R&M because everything


Am I the only one who was bothered by Jeff's shirt?

The 13 episode format kinda softens the impact for me. Not really the show's fault, but I wish they'd lay off the conceptual stuff and give me more pizza. Right now I feel dragged down by "THE POINT" sometimes, as opposed to just being allowed to have fun.

I just wish there was more of a point to this season. I read somewhere that apparently this season was all about the group fighting systems out of their control, but I kinda wish we were back to basic surface level fun.

Most original, not sure of best. I still love Intro to Teaching.

Dean was definitely hee hawing when he was dancing.

I think the shippy-ness is more a result of the order Jeff looked at each one of them. Annie was last so I almost assumed she was the only thing he cared about at first, but I guess it was an all-encompassing thing.

I'm ignoring almost everything except the tag by giving it an A.

What? When did we hear about this?

I want to believe that's something an exec actually suggested to Harmon at one point.

I'm just gonna guess "Mr. Egypt" is making fun of how ridiculous the horror + sexy culture is on TV nowadays. We have werewolves, vampires, warlocks, but for some reason everyone avoided sexy mummies.


Intensive Karen was my favorite. Of course she's in a wheelchair.

Because nobody watches Community.

Holy fucking shit I'm dying. This episode just catapulted from B to A based on the tag alone.