
The ending of the first episode has a whole new meaning with this episode's context.

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

I try not to keep track of things that include Nazi comparisons, but then again they are pretty hilarious to read about.

They've still got a ton of pilots to latch on to. Community's purpose since season 3-4 has been "nothing else can just survive by the skin of its teeth on Thursday at 8PM except Community". Well, they've found another solution.

Don't look now, but NBC seems to be the frontrunner for getting THURSDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL next season…

As a kid the only exposure to Quicksilver I ever got was the Evolution version, so this is just plain weird to me.

I feel like I don't digest enough TV/Movies/Music to validate making a list. You guys sure do watch & listen to a lot more stuff than me.

in Canada

It wasn't that cold, but it definitely snowed a lot in Ohio today. And it's going to keep doing that for a while.

I just tried the demo for Wonderful 101 today. Very confusing and very fun. I had almost no idea what I was doing.

Like most of this season, this episode improves on rewatch. Also, it's kinda odd that Buzz Hickey is the funniest character on this show now.

The last 3 disney CGI films all looked great. Personally I like Wreck it Ralph's look better, but it also had the convenience of not being set in a world that is almost completely white 100% of the time.

I feel like the only person in the entire world who dislikes that song. I can't believe how popular it is. I mean, I understand if people like it, but again I just feel like it's getting overhyped into oblivion.

Just watched a bootlegged Frozen.

On another note, I don't think Jonathan Banks is going to miss a single episode for the rest of the season. So that's good.

I'm really tempted to just make a dumb series of short films starring my ipod nano if just because I have one.

Pierce: Jeff

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

That was one of the things that really started pushing me away from the show. I just don't see how I could continue following a show with that big of an ass as the "hero".