
It's amazing how differently candy affects me now that I'm not in middle school. I bought Sour Punch straws on a whim today and the first taste made me feel like I was on cocaine. I haven't eaten candy very much in the last few years, but jeez is that is a lot of sugar.

This just in: Habanero peppers are kinda hot.


Her little side comments that were corrected by the lie detector lady were great, especially the one about Troy & Abed's horrors of getting on the boat.

In C! The "first minimalist piece". Or so some people like to say.

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

The difference is that Megaman is now a hot commodity with a ton of newfound momentum. Smash hype, the fact that it's an established classic, and the fact that tons of people sing its praises to new gamers (notably in Egoraptor's Sequelitis).

10 - 3

Part of me likes Nintendo living in its own little bubble, and part of me just wishes they'd prostitute the Megaman franchise into a generic FPS with online multiplayer capabilities. I know there was one in development that got cancelled…

I think the Wii (like the original Wii) actually outsold the Vita this holiday season worldwide.

In other non-Community related news, Nintendo has been going through a rough week/year. I really do love my Wii U, but I'm also willing to admit I wish there were more online multiplayer opportunities.


I just hope they continue to take it easy with the visual effects. Season 3's "Jeff Apple", Troy & Abed sandwich, and Annie-Werewolf were a bit much for me. Plus you've got Season 4's final episode that never actually happened. Less is better.

I don't know if I should be proud of this, but the only ipod I actually own is an ipod nano. It's even the same generation that Britta got. I got it for free back in 2007 for opening a bank account.

I haven't seen this show, but apparently it's getting good reviews? Kinda odd it's getting buried on Fridays.

Oooh. I thought we were talking about Chevy's departure and not Pierce's death.

uh… January 2011 to like March/April 2013 right? That's about 2.

This is horrible, but I always hoped that BB would end with pretty much everyone dying as a result of the final release of all their feelings. Walter Jr. somehow finds out about Walt and as a result of the information commits suicide. Upon walking in on their dead son, Skylar finally goes mad and tries to kill Walt.

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time