

I use Viscosity for my OpenVPN client. I'm not sure if Tunnelblick has the same features, but Viscosity allows you to specify scripts to run on connect and disconnect. It's possible that you could set it up to run a script to turn off your internet connection on drop, and turn it on on connect.

When I looked at their plans earlier, I believe it was 2GB. Hmm. Maybe I'm just crazy, because it does say 1GB now.

A big issue with VPN providers is that all of your data is routed through them, so you have to place a large amount of trust with them. Why should I trust Cloak over any of the other, more recognized VPN services? It would appear that they're also US-based, so there's gonna be automatic logging and archival of records

If the carrier isn't drinking and isn't stupid, I don't see the issue. I've carried into bars before when I've been out with friends and not had anything to drink just because we were walking around downtown Atlanta after dark. It's the idiots that drink and carry that you have to worry about (which is illegal in

This study is flawed if for no other reason than they gave people that may have never held a gun otherwise, a gun. This effect may be more because of the subject's fear of the object more than anything. The abstract doesn't really go into how the subjects were selected, nor their backgrounds. I'd be interested in how

Nope. But why would Sparrow have a phone call functionality? At worst, it'd have the alert mechanism that fades the music out for all of a second, just like the regular mail app. It's not like when Skype's backgrounded, you can't listen to music; it's not like when the app's open, you can't listen to music. It's just

Where did you come to this conclusion? Skype and other VOIP apps multiask just fine with music playing in the background.

It's probably working in the way Sparrow wanted it to work initially - utilizing the VOIP API so that the app is always listening. The app is polling the mail servers itself and generating its own push notification; no external interaction required from Sparrow. At least this is how I'd hypothesize it's being done.

It sounds more like the author is extremely judgmental, had a pang of guilt about it, and wrote an article on a blog in an attempt to justify her prejudicial nature. There was really no point to this, other than to paint broad strokes about everyone, in an attempt to seemingly make herself feel better about her own

Very well aware of the feeling. My four year relationship ended in February. It's a process, definitely. I just unfriended her a couple of weeks ago on Facebook... That was probably the hardest thing of all of this.

+1 is just the US country code.

This seems geared towards hipsters.

It says that the 20gb is only valid for a year from the purchase of the MP3 album. Does this mean you then have to start paying in cash, or can you just buy another album and be good to go?

I did not know this! I'll have to look into it, thanks.

Although I like ABP and NoScript, they're really just more conveniences.

This is hardly a leak. They sent out a mass e-mail announcing this yesterday.

To all of those that think you have any remote sense of privacy on FB: LOL.

Sure. I don't have anything on there I don't want the public to know already. As it should be.