
It’s normal. When Michelle went to the Vatican her outfit was a bit more understated. But it is the sort of dress code for the occasion.

I envy you deeply. <3

He would and he was excellent as Mayor of Pawnee. So he has political experience.

I feel you. I once met Jim O’Heir (Aka Larry, Gary, Jerry, Terry, Barry) from Parks & Rec and about had a god damn panic attack and I had to do a shot before I could even approach him. lol Sweetest guy ever.

Ughhh and now every time I try to star a post it removes a star from the counter. Ergggg

Maybe an awesome autocorrect from “airhead”????

I disagree. If someone offered me the opportunity to fulfill my life-long dream of getting to be baby you bet your ass I would take it. Even if I thought it would end up a shit show. Because if I don’t someone else will, they might suck at it more than me. And I want to be the one to wear the dress and do the lift

Unpopular opinion: I love Abigail Breslin and I actually hope that I like this. I am sure I won’t love it as much as the original. But I am keeping my expectations low.

I usually go with “fish belly white” for myself after a long winter’s hibernation.

Can you just imagine after this couple passed and their kids are going through their things and find this? You know they were like Groooosssss dad got mom a giant dildo!!!!! What do we even do with this??? It’s ivory so it could be worth something.... Put it in the keep pile?

So about this lock of hair where do we think the hair came from? Typically a lock of hair came from the hair on someone’s head but this is a dildo.... so is it for pubes? I hope it’s for pubes. lol That’s the only way this could get more interesting. lol

Anyone else wonder if he “modeled” for the person carving the piece? Like the very first (and most expensive) Clone A Willy?

Then they did a shit job of it. Cause that looks nothing like a photo negative. This is what a photo negative make up looks like.... What he did looks like blackface.

I will join your ranks and sacrifice my life if necessary!!!!!!!!!

I think people actually love the idea. I think big industries like oil and airlines don’t which is why we never can seem to get one. Most of them proposed are designed to run on clean energy. So those companies do their best to discourage the idea or make it seem impossible so that “we” don’t wise up to the better,

We shall after agree to disagree. Lol

Nah I’d pass. The “torturing you with a vibrator” doesn’t weird me out. A lot of people are into a lot of teasing/foreplay but the rest.... ehhhhh. I mean I don’t think it’s wrong between two people who are into that. Idk maybe he thinks that’s what the whole 50 shades thing is and all women want that? I would just be

You know I’m not mad at it. I kind of like it to be honest. A lot of times the “sex” in advertising looks very coerced or centered on the pleasure of males only. So I think this is a more positive and equal view of sex in advertising.