I feel like this is how mating works for snails. lol Wouldn’t it be weird if humans DID mate like that?
I feel like this is how mating works for snails. lol Wouldn’t it be weird if humans DID mate like that?
Same. lol As soon as I got off work I made my husband watch it. We were both mesmerized by how offensive so many of the questions were. Like “We asked your husbands if we gave you (their wives) their secretaries’ chest what other feature of hers would they give you.” Like obviously wife tits are the worst and…
I am excited for Caleb Landry Jones he weirded me out soooo much in Get Out.
Thank god this kind man came to explain to us dumb women that we don’t have to do anything keep our homes clean. We can all just live like we’re waiting to be on the show Hoarders. This is fantastic news and obviously the perfect solution.
I can’t believe this was a real show. It is so cringe worthy terrible. Sexist as all get out and just gross. wtf?
It’s not “help” if I have to do it over again because it wasn’t done right/is still dirty. How about take the criticism and make improvements? My husband doesn’t get a gold star at work because he made an attempt at doing his job correctly. He gets praise for going above and beyond what is expected. Not just doing…
Marriage counseling. For real. That is the next step for us.
Omg yesss! My husband will also do it with making dinner. Like he will sit down and start playing video games and I will get started on dinner. And when dinner is totally done, maybe just needs put on plates. He will be like “What babe? I was going to help you with dinner?!?!” Bitch please. Also his idea of “helping”…
I am a messy person. So my standards are rather low. I will say dishes have to be rinsed first. BUT that’s mainly because our apartment has a shitty dishwasher. Mostly my standards are the job should be completed. So say you are doing laundry, you also have to fold it. Ideally put it away, at least his laundry. Not…
Yeah we have 3 cats and he wants a dog. Learn to vacuum and we can talk about a dog. lol Also, I love when I ask him to do the litter boxes and he’s like “What?!?! I just did them the other day?!?” Like yeah dude, that’s their toilet they are pooping everyday wtf don’t you get about that? lol
Bahahaha right? I have done an experiment a few times where I just don’t start cooking. And those are the nights when finally around like 9:30 my husband will be like, “Well *sigh* I guess I can run out and get us some fast food.” Yes, yes you can. OR! You could have gone into the kitchen and made dinner. This drives…
The longer I am married the more I begin to identify with the women on “Snapped” I am just like, “girlllll I get it!” lmao jk
And doing the work myself means we don’t fight. It just means I am too tired/resentful for sex sooo dudes listen up. Tired women don’t put out. Do some fucking chores if you want good sex y’all.
YES! Or I have to stop myself from being like “Hey can you do me a favor and pick up your shoes and socks.” Or “Can you help me out and clean the litter boxes” Fuck no! How about “Can you pull your own weight and not leave shit everywhere like a human tornado for fuck sakes?”
Omg omg omg. So my husband took a day off work a few months back alleging that he would do some cleaning and laundry. Which he did like one load pshhh, I get home after working all day and he’s playing video games (in a still messy living room) and he looks at me and says, “So what are you thinking for dinner?” I…
My blood boils over that shit. Lmao like having a vagina doesn’t mean I have some magical knowledge on how to scrub a tub or a toilet. It’s pretty simple. It is dirty, I spray it with cleaner and I rub it until it appears clean. The end. Repeat forever until I die.
RIGHT? We have cats so you really have to vacuum with the attachment along the walls or there will be cat hair “tumbleweeds” and litter that accumulates if you skip this part of vacuuming. He says to me “there’s more than one way to do something” and I am like no there fucking isn’t. Because to me it’s like ok, if I…
Here’s the issue my husband believes (like literally believes) we are at 50/50 when in reality it’s more like 90/10 and it blows my mind. What was even more revealing is I tried to create a chore chart/list to create a more equal workload but so many items I was like “he won’t do that right” or “this looks like he’s…
“The difference today is that men are now more frequently socialized to pay lip-service to household equality. Our culture rewards them for sharing housework and childcare. Yet still we have to ask nicely even when we’ve already asked twice, we have to be strategic in the way we frame our requests so as not to spook…
THANK YOU?!?! lmao