
Maybe he took more while high and forgot? Or took a whole shiton of it?

I think the thing that gets me with LSD and other street drugs is not knowing what I am actually getting. Like with weed I am either a. getting pot, b. getting fake pot, c. getting pot laced with something. However I have never had a bad reaction and I feel like if it were to be laced it would be an up-selling factor

no souls duh. lol jk I really truly love many gingers irl.

That’s pretty much what I expected... bughhhh

Feel free to post that BBQ chicken recipe, I was slacking on what to make for dinner this week and that sounds incredible.

That is so awesome. And a really ethical way to get off. That way you never have to feel guilty wondering if the people involved really want to do what they are doing. I think this is just awesome. I mean I am pretty vanilla but I still think even that would be cool.

Now playing

Or maybe just like someone else suggested most of the well qualified women in this (traditionally male dominated field) went to Hillary assuming she’d be the nom. But there is no convincing me that Hillary Clinton is a good person. Sorry I just don’t buy it.

He still employs almost an equal amount of women to men, I am all for equality, but equality doesn’t mean just sticking a few women into your highest paid category just so you have women in that category. They could be people who have worked with him the longest, they could be people who based on their work experience

ehh he still employs a really good amount of women. That he pays well, also you never know how long those top employees have known him or worked with him. I would much rather a candidate have staff that they have a history with, or have great experience/skills rather than just hiring a bunch women to make them look

I actually feel like this is neat, it’s a safer way imo for people to act out taboos. If I am understanding this correctly they are just recreating the sounds and not actually performing the acts? Sort of like old radio shows? Kinda neat actually like next level phone sex operator.

Our curmudgeonly old boy passed unexpectedly last night. We came home to our door wide open and still locked. Nothing was taken but somehow (strong winds yesterday perhaps) our door was wide open when we got home. We found our cats and got them inside safely. Our pup however was not so fortunate. I found him lying in

That is a portly feline. lol But so cute !

YAS! My cat does this around 5:30-6:00am if the food dish is empty. It’s like he knows the order of importance. First he knocks off the lotion bottle, then the remote, then my eye glasses, then it’s time for the glass perfume bottle. When he starts to nudge that I get up. lol

Me too. I am like *SQUEEE KITTY BELLY !!*and I go for it and *CHOMP SCRATCH darts away.* I know it’s going to happen. I do it anyway.

My cat Lumos does it too. This time she snoozed.

OMG a cuddle puddle! My favorite!

Literally was dealing with this shit last night. Except now they are happening regardless of where I am in my cycle. Anyone else have this? Mine is lower back to tail bone, then down into my hips and also low abdomen. I am at the point where I can’t tell if it’s a back issue or a period/uterus issue. But it seriously

That’s kinda what I thought. I mean if I went I would expect to go in, be examined, have the doctor leave, do a quick google search, and tell me to go drink some kind of tea from Whole Foods and rub coconut oil on it and be cured.