
Both of which are ASSUMPTIONS and we all know what they say about what happens when you assume. So you in fact can not definitively tell how healthy a person is by their appearance. Haven’t you ever heard thin women complain that they eat like a lumber jack and yet people tell them they are “too skinny” “look sick” or

Maybe you should tell my doctor that. Because according to him I am in perfectly good health. I didn’t realize you were tracking what I eat each day. Because that is the only way you could possibly know that I am over eating or eating the wrong things. Otherwise you are speculating. It couldn’t possibly be that some

Omg we have the same body type. My lowest weight as an adult was 94lbs and my teachers actually brought me into a meeting to discuss their concerns. My friend on the other hand is 5’0” and 96lbs and looks perfectly fine. But for me I was starting to look skeletal.

It’s funny because a lot of studies actually suggest that being slightly underweight is worse for you than being slightly over weight. Especially if you are “skinny fat” aka skinny but you do absolutely nothing to take care of yourself. And at no point did I say we eat the same amount of food.

2015 195lbs (can you believe it such a “fatty” out at a bar... with FRIENDS? Enjoying myself... how dare I!)

That’s why I love the line (I think from Eat Pray Love) where she says, “There comes a time in every woman’s life where she must choose between her ass... and her face.” I say.... why not both? Who doesn’t love some junk in the trunk?

You know what, I think I might just do the same. Yay! I thought I was fat, but apparently I can just say I am skinny and everyone will have to accept that is how I identify, just like the author!

Now playing

Gee thanks, well aware. Also have you heard that BMI is total bullshit?… Same size again still not fat. Clearly not an anomaly. Because BMI tells you NOTHING especially with short or muscular people. Also the author is not fat. And this is the author who spoiler alert... is also not “fat.”

I see what you did there.

That was exactly my thought. Like please “fat lady” tell me all about the subtle and overt ways society fat shames you. For being 6 sizes under the average size for a woman in your country. I just can’t even. Being body positive is great, but claiming to be apart of a group that is often ridiculed just to be “in the

BAHAHAHAhahahaha this was my exact face.

In WHAT WORLD? Please. Not to mention 135lbs on an athlete or 135lbs on a person who does no exercise could be worlds different. Here is an athletic woman at 5’0” and 135lbs. Nothing overweight about her.…

by .5% so idk go pee and take off your shoes and congratulations now according to the BMI you are within a normal weight range.

Certainly at 5 inches tall and 195lbs anyone would be morbidly obese. And also the shortest human being alive. Thanks for your pseudo concern, but I have excellent blood pressure, and cholesterol. My measurements are 38” 29” 40” making me low risk for heart disease. I exercise everyday and eat like everyone else I

Do you feel better? Good. Now GTFO

Yeah, If I want to hear someone tell me how much they love and embrace being fat, I’d like for them to be ya know... fat? I do struggle with a love hate relationship with my fat. Which I feel like I can say because there is a pretty good chance most people would agree that I am clearly over weight. So to hear someone

I mean that a bit like the Rachel Dolezal thing DieselDamsel mentioned. Do you get to publicly proclaim that you are “Fat” if most people wouldn’t describe you that way. First off the BMI is totally bullshit and pretty much every credible health source has said that it is not at all an accurate measure of body fat or