
Maybe it’s because I am 5’0” 195lbs... but I have been 5’0” and 135lbs (Not to mention DD boobs) and in no way can I possibly consider that anywhere in the realm of “fat.” To me that is super in shape. I don’t have a problem with fat, but I just don’t think any reasonable person would consider a 5’1” 135lb woman or a

I think this is the only time I have ever enjoyed a story about someone dealing with at&t customer service. It’s especially great because 9/10 they just redirect you or say there’s nothing they can do. Lol

I just interrupt them back...

Engaged monster your cousin and my cousin could be the same person! I just emailed my rant over her weird request about my relationship. Maybe it will end up here on Etiquette Monster. I was actually really hoping Jez would start up an advice column!

my thoughts exactly haha I can’t tell you how many times I have felt that way.

And subscribed! haha She is awesome.

I feel like seniors might get a little more out of the book, but I have no problem with it being taught to 10th grade either.

He’s so sweet. I just smiled so big watching that. I want like a plushy Barack doll to squeeze when he does adorable things like this.

I can’t fart in front of people. Like willingly.... it doesn’t matter who, the idea makes me uncomfortable. However I don’t really care if people do it in front of me. My fiance basically has given up on holding in farts. He now laughs at the days when we first got together about how agonizing it was to hold in farts.

You’re right it’s a “conditional gift” if the conditions aren’t met you legally have to return it. HOWEVER a huge loophole exists for engagements that happen on holidays and birthdays because the ring receiver can claim it was purely a gift and so they don’t have to return it. However most people agree that if the

Especially because so many people can edit digital photos these days and use photoshop etc. I think it’s a great idea. And just give them a flash drive and peace out!

But basically if a vendor didn’t list a price I just assumed I couldn’t afford it basically. Unless it was something I really wanted and then I would send an email. lol

I have felt the exact same way. But the glorious thing about getting married in Kansas is that it is considerably cheaper. They are letting us provide our own liquor (dad’s friend owns a bar so he’s going to let us order through them at their prices) and we just have to pay the bartenders for the night 4 hours ($175 x

I swear to god I just do not process LSD. Plenty of people I’ve done it with tripped their balls off, and it had zero effect on me. Same with ecstasy. Such a bummer.

Our local radio host jokes about how to know if a drug is a good idea to try or a terrible idea to try. The rule is, if your mom/dad were to find it they would A.) Know what the drug was by looking at it B.) probably be pissed C.) It does not come in a package from a headshop / the packaging doesn’t look like it could

I do this exact same thing. I didn’t when we first started dating. But then I met him at the laundromat where he was doing his laundry. And he was using liquid fabric softer in the place of detergent. I was like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? He said, “what this stuff was cheaper, and it’s basically the same thing, it

I must have great insurance and a great doctor. If you have United Healthcare and live in KCK KCMO I went to Women’s Healthcare Group (One in Overland Park one in Lawrence, KS) and a female doctor placed my IUD as soon as I had my next period. That way your cervix is already dilated bit. I personally had a bad

No, that would be great! It’s an iconic cover, and loads of people dress as celebrities out of admiration. That is perfectly acceptable, and this one would be particularly easy to do, and do well. White silk bustier, white panties, great hair, and even a “Call Me Caitlyn” sash would be great on someone who is a

Trust me. No one can. I am secretly hoping Kansas has been a blue state for the last couple elections and it’s just rigged machines. Kansas City is pretty liberal, even parts of the state are at least libertarian. Like Lawrence is super liberal, tons of teachers and unions etc. They are recommending paper ballots

So there is a McDonalds by my fiance’s place and when ever we go there late at night they always say they are cash only. (We never have cash: :( ) and one of us is always wasted and the other one trying to be a good DD and I swear those employees are just hording cash sales at the end of the night. I can’t think of a