Mirco Romanato

There are many types of mind control in the Marvel Universe:
1) Doc.X, Emma Frost and others can telepathically control the minds of people and force them to do things they would not do themselves. Often these people are aware of what is happening and fight the control as much as they can. Sometimes they are able to

It depend on what the power use to control people:
some heroes and villains have a will so strong they are very difficult to control directly and difficult to force to do something they would never do of their free will.

They didn't do their job.
They rebelled and were not useful to fight the Kree Wars (mainly the Kree-Skrull War).

It could work in both of them.
Terrigenesis work on genetically modified (with Kree DNA) humans:
It apparently do not work on unadultered Kree and Humans. In Kree case because they are at an evolutionary road block and can not evolve further.

No traces they could find at the time.
But they didn't know what to look for.

Or they can just throw a LMD and remote piloting the plane.
We saw this in season 1 when Hydra came out of the shadows.

Hive is like Wolverine, fast healing, not bulletproof.
The soldiers, like Simmons, could have shot him to delay or stop him.

Two Kree with axes is an improvement over one big Kree with a really big hammer/mace (Ronan).
I think he would be a very different and less forgiving enemy, if he had survived the GOTG

Her power could be able to manipulate energy on a large scale but she could have difficulties to manipulate it on smaller scales.

Malik, like Daisy, had a partial vision and understanding of what would be going on.
He told her daughter "every cell of his body was destroyed from the inside" and he inferred it would be Hive actions:
It was apparent to the viewers it was not Hive "flesh eating spores" but something like pressure decompression from

The card is one he had in his locker, and Fury used them to motivate the Avengers to fight after staining them with Coulson blood.

Not original gang.
The original gang is
Buffy, Xander, Willow, Giles.

Not original gang.

Singularity is a word with various meaning:

Organic is not the same as biologic.

Stark got a synthetic heart in the 70s.
Then he got drunk.

Reina told Ward that, maybe, a day, they could be "monsters together"


That Lincoln's

And she told Malik she would enjoy it.